Past events

131140 of 432 items

Easter Holy Communion at the Church Centre, Quaker’s Road

April 4, 2021 9.15 am

Join us for a warm welcome and traditional communion service as we celebrate that Jesus has risen. This service takes place at the Church Centre on Quakers Road, Bromley Heath. Please book a place at this service by contacting the office on 01179089867 or on Covid restrictions apply. (Hand sanitiser, distancing, face masks, track […]

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Easter Sunday Communion

April 4, 2021 10.30 am

Celebrate with us that Jesus is risen! At this service we will hear a message of joy and hope that death is not the end, and life can definitely be worth living, whatever our circumstances. There will be the opportuniy to take communion and to experience life with the risen King Jesus, through music, Scripture […]

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Easter Families @4 Celebration

April 4, 2021 4pm

Come with us to celebrate that Jesus is alive!  Our short interactive service gives children and parents/ grandparents and carers a chance to explore faith, worship together and feel a sense of togetherness with other families. Each family is based at a separate table for a cafe style atmosphere. Action songs, talk, prayers and activities […]

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Easter Saturday Vigil

April 3, 2021 8pm

Wait with us as we watch for the joy of daybreak on Easter Sunday. This service of contemplation and hope includes songs from the community of Taize in France, which welcomes people from all over the world to sing simple monastic style chants of praise and comfort in a variety of languages. Please book a […]

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Experience Easter Outside

April 2, 2021 Any time

Follow the last hours of Jesus’ journey to the cross on Good Friday. This year you are invited to come to the churchyard at Christ Church Downend in your own time from 2 April to Easter Sunday 4 April and follow the trail to remember and reflect on the events of Good Friday. There will […]

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At the Foot of the Cross Good Friday service

April 2, 2021 2pm

Come to an hour of prayer and reflection on the meaning of Good Friday and what Jesus achieved for us on the Cross. This service will take place in Christ Church Downend. Please book a place at the service by contacting the Parish office on 0117 908 9867 or on Covid restrictions apply: distancing, […]

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Wellbeing Course

February 15, 2021 – March 29, 2021

We used to often ask each other, “How are you?” without really expecting much of a reply except “Fine!” Now we are learning to be more prepared for an honest answer, as it’s more “ok” to describe our feelings rather than hide them. This is true in the church too, and how refreshing! God can […]

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National Day of Reflection

March 23, 2021 12-1 and 6-7pm

Tues 23 March marks exactly a year since we first went into lockdown. The government and charities have declared it to be a Nationa Day of Reflection, with 1 minute’s silence at 12.00pm. At Christ Church we invite you to come for prayer: 12 -1pm Just before 12 the bell will be tolled to lead […]

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Ash Wednesday Service

February 17, 2021 7.30pm

Join us for a traditional Ash Wednesday service as we begin the season of Lent: a time of valuing simple things; stripping back to basics; gonig deeper. Ash will be sprinkled rather than marked on the forehead this year. Please book via the booking link here  or email the Parish office by Tuesday lunchtime or call […]

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Christmas Morning Communion at the Church Centre

December 25, 2020 9.15 am

Join us for a traditional communion service as we celebrate the birth of Christ together. Traditional carols, readings and a message to uplift our hearts. Booking is essential due to COVID restrictions. Please contact the parish office on 0117 908 9867 for the phone number of Sally who will manage bookings. COVID measures in place: […]

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