Past events

141150 of 432 items

Christmas Day Family Service

December 25, 2020 10.30 am

Join us for a service of celebration that God is with us. A short service with Christmas carols, a message of joy and hope, and activities for all ages. Seating will be cafe style around tables and also in the balcony.  Children are welcome with their families and might like to bring a favourite present […]

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Christmas Trail

December 21, 2020 – December 24, 2020 Any time (Church open 10am-2pm on 21-23rd Dec and 10-12.30 on 24th)

What’s that hiding amongst the displays in the shops of Downend High Street this Christmas? A donkey? A sheep? An angel? Join our Christmas Trail to search the High Street shop windows, find the Nativity characters, scan the QR code and watch videos of the Christmas story. You can get hold of a Trail map […]

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Midnight Communion

December 24, 2020 11pm

As Christmas Eve turns into Christmas Day, join us for a beautiful traditional service of communion as we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Traditional carols and a message of hope through Christ’s birth, lit by candlelight and surrounded by the crib figures. Due to COVID restrictions booking is essential. Booking opens 6th December […]

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Carols by Candlelight 5pm service

December 20, 2020 5pm

Come and enjoy the beauty and wonder of a candlelit carol service as we ceelbrate the coming of Jesus to bring hope and a future to the world.  Traditional carols sung by a quartet, Bible readings tracing God’s plan from ancient times to the birth of Jesus, and a message to uplift us. This year […]

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Carols by Candlelight 7.30pm service

December 20, 2020 7.30pm

Come and enjoy the beauty and wonder of a candlelit carol service as we celebrate the coming of Jesus to bring hope and a future to the world.  Traditional carols sung by a quartet, Bible readings tracing God’s plan from ancient times to the birth of Jesus, and a message to uplift us. A chance […]

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Families at 4 Christmas Celebration

December 13, 2020 4pm

Join us as we gather for our afternoon cafe style service around tables and enjoy fun, games, songs and story in worship of Jesus the King. Nativity costumes, Christmas jumpers and onesies strongly encouraged! Book for this service by emailing COVID measures: hand sanitiser on entry, Track & Trace, QR code, masks for 11’s […]

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Messy Christingle

December 9, 2020 4.30pm

That special glow of candles and the smell of oranges… it’s #Christingle time! This year with a difference… we will guide each family table through making your own Christingles during the service and enjoy a 40 minute time of interactive songs, story, puppets, crafts and prayers hosted by the #messychurch #messychristingle team. Christingles are an […]

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Remembering with Thanksgiving service

November 8, 2020 7pm

This special service of remembering gives you a chance to reflect and be comforted as you mourn the loss of a loved one. There will be traditional hymns, prayers, a message of hope and candles lit in memory of those loved and lost. To comply with COVID regulations, booking is essential. Please email or […]

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Mothers Union Service

October 21, 2020 2.15pm

Come to a reflective half hour of worship and prayer as we gather together and look to the Lord for hope and reconciliation in a time of troubles. The Mothers Union is a worldwide organisation supporting familiy life and those who are struggling. Our local branch supports several local projects and has a heart for […]

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Mini Messy Church

October 14, 2020 4.30pm - 5pm

Hello #messychurch friends & families, we miss you so much ! Fab News: we are planning a mini #messychurch in Church on Wednesday 14 October. It will be a mini #messychurch in Church for 30 minutes, cafe style, with families all sat at tables in the Church. Tables will be spaced 2m apart and adults […]

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