Past events

6170 of 421 items

Harvest Supper in aid of Kumi, Uganda

October 1, 2022 7pm

Join us for a ploughman’s supper and hear about the work of Mission Direct in Kumi, with Jan and Richard Bacon, plus Deb Pastwa shares her experiences of her recent trip. Hear too about the other mission projects we support. Tickets are £5 and available from Jan Bacon 07941084372   Bring your own drinks. Parking […]

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Jumble Sale for Ukraine

October 1, 2022

Come and browse for some fantastic bargains as we raise money to support the people of Ukraine. If you have donations to offer, please get in touch to find out when and where to bring them.

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The Bible Course

September 29, 2022

The Bible Course is an 8 week course which helps you to get a good sense of how the Bible fits together, how and when it was written and how it tells one big story, God’s story of creation, love and rescue.  The course will increase your confidence, equip you to read the Bible better […]

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Welcome lunch for newcomers

September 25, 2022 12.30pm

If you’re new or feel new to Christ Church, come to our newcomers lunch on Sunday 25th September at 12.30 in the church. Meet the leaders, ask those questions you’ve been meaning to ask, and hear more about our vision and what makes Christ Church “tick.” Tell Anita if you are coming, and any special […]

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Eco Art Exhibition

September 24, 2022 10-4

As we struggle with high energy bills and increasingly hot summers, now is a good time to think about the climate crisis. A new free Eco Art exhibition “The Creation Project” is coming to Christ Church Downend on Sat 24th September.  The church will be open from 10-4pm for visitors to come and view art […]

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Reflections Group

September 20, 2022 7.45pm for 8pm

Join us for a time of peace and reflection for busy people. After coffee and cake from 7.45pm we start at 8pm with a time of stillness and guided meditation for 50 minutes or so. A chance to connect with the Lord away from all the stresses and strains of life. In the youth hub […]

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Thanksgiving Service for the Queen

September 18, 2022 6.30pm

Join us to give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II in hymn, word and prayer. She was someone who dedicated her life in service, as a response to her Servant King Jesus.  Many of us will have our own memories or sense of connection to the Queen and would like to come and […]

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Iona Clark Mission Update Evening

September 14, 2022 7.30pm

Iona, a young adult who has grown up through the children and young people’s work at Christ Church, and lovely daughter of Alex and Simon Clark, has completed her first year as a travelling mission partner with the organisation Circuit Riders. Come to Christ Church to hear amazing stories of God at work in the […]

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Super Serving Sunday

August 28, 2022 10.30-1pm

Sometimes on a Sunday we worship through serving the community, sharing God’s love with others. Our young people do this once a month, and some get involved in the summer with Super Serving Sunday. Instead of having a service at 10.30 on Sun 28th August, you are all invited to Lincombe Barn Park and woods […]

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