Past events

7180 of 421 items

Women’s Prayer Breakfast

August 13, 2022 9-12

Join us for fellowship, food and prayer as we gather for a continental style breakfast followed by guided prayer. If you would like to stay for silent prayer, and bring a packed lunch to eat at the end, even better! Book a free place with Anita at or 07753233950 and let us know any […]

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Bereavement Group

August 9, 2022 2-4pm

Whether you’ve lost a loved one recently or a long time ago, it’s good to talk and to be with those who share your experiences. Our monthly Bereavement Group meets in the church on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. There will be refreshments and a chance to talk, listen and reflect together.

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Mothers Union Garden Party

August 3, 2022 2.15pm

Join us for a relaxing afternoon of fellowship with the Mothers Union as we enjoy refeshments in the garden at May Ann’s home. If you’re not a member of the Mothers Union but would like to find out more about the work they do to support family life locally and abroad, and about the local […]

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Jigsaw and friends in the park

July 29, 2022 10-12

It’s going to be a long summer if we don’t see each other! Come to the Sensory Garden at Page Park this Friday to meet old and new friends from Jigsaw Toddler Group. Bring a picnic blanket and snacks, drinks. We’ll be near Page Park’s Bean Tree cafe for coffees too. Feel free to bring […]

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Aidan and Cathie’s Farewell Service and Lunch

June 12, 2022 Approx 12.00 midday
people sharing a meal

It hardly seems a minute, but in fact it will be three years since Aidan and Cathie arrived at Christ Church (very soon followed by Reuben who clearly couldn’t wait to meet us so came much earlier than planned!) Cathie has secured a curacy in Derby and so they will moving on soon. Their last […]

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“Called to Serve” services for the Platinum Jubilee

June 5, 2022 9.15 and 10.30

The Queen has demonstrated throughout her life a dedication to serve in the way she believes God has called her to. Join us as we celebrate the gift of servanthood: as exercised by the Queen, by our wonderful church family and in the wider community. 9.15 am service: a traditional service of Morning Worship with […]

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Royal Cream Tea for the Platinum Jubilee

June 4, 2022 3-5pm

Join us for a special cream tea to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The event takes place from 3-5pm at the Church Centre, Quakers Road, Bromley Heath BS16 6NH Old fashioned games and entertainment.  Outside if dry, inside if wet. Vegetarian and restricted diet options available. For details please contact the parish office 0117 908 […]

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Churchyard Working Party

May 28, 2022 9.15-12

Come and get stuck in to help tidy the churchyard and make it a beautiful place for nature and visitors. It’s always a sociable event and a great way to get to know others in the churhc family better while serving the local community. From 9.15 until 12 or ealrer if you can only spare […]

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Labyrinth Prayer Activity

May 24, 2022 – May 25, 2022 Verious times, see article

The church will be open on Tuesday 24th and Wed 25th May for a prayer activiy which follows an ancient tradition. A labyrinth is laid out on the floor and you are invited to go on a prayer journey as you follow the path. The labyrinth symbolises the path of life with God. As you […]

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Church APCM and Bring & Share Lunch

May 8, 2022 APCM approx 11.50 Lunch at approx 12.30
people sharing a meal

Come and hear what God has been doing in and through Christ Church in the last 12 months at our annual meeting. This will take place after the 10.30 service. Grab a quick coffee after the service ends, and then the meeting will begin at approximately 11.50 and last about 45 minutes. Officers for the […]

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