We want to make Christ Church a community where everyone can know God’s love, feel they belong and find ways to be part of His plan for the world, whatever their life experience and abilities. Christ’s love is for everyone, and we want to learn to live His life as a community, looking out for each other and leaving no one out.
Where we can, we have ensured that facilities are accessible, and people who are welcoming and sensitive to possible needs. We have more to learn, so tell us how to improve in this area.
Below are some practical details which may be useful. Or ring or email the Parish Office and they will either answer queries or put you in touch with someone who can help. We can arrange for you to visit the church and get a feel for things.
Email office@christchurchdownend.com or call 0117 908 9868 Mon-Fri 9.30 -12 pm
Useful information
Access to our buildings:
Christ Church Downend BS16 5UF. Car park is off North St Downend BS16 5SG down a short road to the right of the parish hall. Disability spaces in the car park (shared with the medical centre.) Level access to the churchyard from car park, with a walk of about 100m. Wide tarmac driveway. Those needing to be dropped off at the door or those who need to minimise the walk can drive through the churchyard to the front door where there is limited parking. Large metal gates usually need to be opened so contact the office in advance of a visit if help will be needed with these.
Access into the building: By ramp with rail and steps. Level access through doorway and into building. Inside, all of the building is on one level except chancel and balcony. Access to the chancel and rear section of building by steps with rail on both sides. Balcony only accessible by stone steps with rail.
3 x accessible loos. Chairs. Sound amplification and Hearing Loop (most effective if in central seating area.) Screen projection but also paper copies and large print copies available from welcome team.
We also hold activities at:
Parish Hall: North Street, Downend BS16 5SG
Access to the building: Car park off North St Downend BS16 5SG down a short road to the right of the parish hall. There are disability spaces in the car park (The car park is shared with the medical centre.) Pavement.
Access into the building: low concrete ramp without hand rails. Level access inside the building. 1 x accessible loo.
We hold activities and Sunday morning service at:
Church Centre: Quakers Road, Bromley Heath BS16 6NH
Access to the building: Tarmac car park in front and behind hall. Disability spaces? 1 x accessible loo?
Access into the building: Ramp with rail. Level access within the building. Sound amplification. Hearing loop. Chairs. Paper service sheets used and large print copies available: ask welcomers.
Other useful information
Communion: If you would like to receive communion but are not able to approach the communion rail, or need assistance, please speak to a welcomer and you can be given assistance. Or communion can be brought to you if you prefer. Communion can be taken standing or kneeling as you prefer. Members of the church also take communion to people in their homes, so please ask the office for details if this is what you need.
Large print copies of most documents available, including monthly news sheet “Christ Church Life” and Prayer Diary. Ask the welcome team or contact Parish Office if there are documents not in large print, or if you would like to have any documents e-mailed to you. All communications and service sheets can be emailed to you by asking the office. Most are available on the web site.
Children and young people with additional needs: Visit our youth and children’s pages for details of Sunday and mid- week activities. Please get in touch with our youth and children’s teams via the parish office or direct if you would like to discuss your child’s needs. Youth Ministry: Diane Paddon youth@christchurchdownend.com
Children: Visit our Children’s page for details of Sunday and mid week activities. Please get in touch with our team via the parish office. You are welcome to come with your child to sample a session. Children’s Ministry: Helen Buick children@christchurchdownend.com
If you or someone you are supporting someone with a learning difficulty, please get in touch with the office to let us know if there is anything we can do to make your time with us more enjoyable.
Special diets: Gluten free wafers and non-alcoholic wine are always available at our communion services. At social events please ask in advance to discuss special diet requirements.
Feel at home: if you or your child needs to get up and move around during services or activities, please feel free to do so. You can sit in the welcome area and still hear and see the service. Wardens and welcomers can make you a drink or show you the facilities. There are toys in the welcome area for children.
What have we forgotten? Please be in touch to ask questions or discuss difficulties you have experienced. Our Doorways group meets to bring issues and ideas to the attention of those who need to know. If you would be interested in talking to the group or attending a session, please contact Anita Dobson, Discipleship Ministry anitadobson@christchurchdownend.com