Lifting the Lid

5 Items

Lifting the Lid : Detached Youth Work & Youth Outreach Ministries

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Youth Ministry. The diagram below displays all that we offer young people, including the seven youth groups that meet each week showing and sharing God’s love. In this blog, Diane Paddon, Head of Youth Ministry highlights the strip running along the bottom of the diagram – the […]

Lifting the Lid on Tuesday Move It Club

About 2 years ago, a group of Christians from The Sanctuary Church, Pendennis Good News Church and Christ Church started to meet to pray specifically for the Pendennis Flats area. We used to join together once a year for carol singing, but we felt like we wanted to do more for our nearest neighbours. Then […]

Lifting the Lid: Youth ministry

Christ Church Youth Team

This week’s lifting the lid focused on youth ministry outreach. Not the outreach that takes place in Downend Secondary School every Friday but the in-house outreach that takes place in the youth hub and parish hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There are many aspects to youth ministry, as this table shows, but to give […]

Lifting the Lid: Junior SOUP

Continuing in our series “Lifting the Lid” – here is a little summary of Junior SOUP, what it is, who is involved, why we do it and what benefits there have been. Junior SOUP was a little experiment to see if the concept of Downend SOUP with social enterprise and community engagement could be brought […]

Lifting the Lid: Comms Team

Lifting the Lid is a monthly series of short presentations at the Sunday morning 10.30am service to highlight some of the work that goes on behind the scenes. Last Sunday, 27th January, the congregation heard from us, the Comms Team, about the work that we do to communicate the message of Christ Church to its […]