Posts by Elissa Murphy

1120 of 33 items

Opportunity to apply for the role of Assistant Parish Administrator

Christ Church Downend is seeking to appoint an Assistant Parish Administrator to support the mission of the church in the local community. Hours would be 14 hours per week – ideally on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and be based in the Christ Church Parish Office on North Street Downend. You will need to be […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – February & March 2022

Close up of a red tee light held in someone's hand

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people.Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible passage […]

Parish Profile and Parish Reps

At the last PCC meeting the updated Parish Profile was approved.  This will be a key element in the recruitment of a new Incumbent.  We are very grateful to Jon Tooby for all the work he put in to produce this informative document. Download the Parish Profile (Pdf) We encourage you to pray that suitable […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – November & December 2021

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people.Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible passage […]

Update from Ben & Katy Ray at Neema Crafts

A photo of Ben and Katy Ray.

October Update from our Mission Partners Ben and Katy Ray at Neema Crafts in Iringa, Tanzania. Neema has been touched by sadness as COVID has hit the craft centre. Last week they sadly buried one of their outworker tailors, Grace Dalu. Grace was an inspiration to so many people and had worked with Neema for 15 […]

Parish Profile Consultation

As we begin the process towards the appointment of a new vicar, the PCC has commissioned a small group to put together the Parish Profile, an important document outlining the vision, characteristics, needs and aspirations of Christ Church at this time. To enable us to do this well we’re asking members of the Christ Church […]

New Sunday Teaching Series – The Parables

As we start a new month we’re beginning a new Sunday teaching series, which Nigel launched yesterday. Over the next 8 weeks we’ll be exploring some of the parables of Jesus including a few lesser known ones, and asking what they might teach us today. You can find a full outline of the series here. Preachers will be providing some questions to get us […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – June & July 2021

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people.Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible passage […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – April & May 2021

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people.Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible passage […]

God’s Plan for your Wellbeing

At a time when so many of us are facing significant challenges to our sense of wellbeing, Christ Church is piloting a number of resources to help support people from across the community. Kintsugi Hope – The Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Course offers people the opportunity to experience: Safety and support where there is no […]