Posts by Anita Dobson

2130 of 172 items

Ukraine donations – Thank You

All our collection for Ukraine was taken to Southmead today ready to send out next weekend. The charity wanted Gary and I (Diane) to relay their heartfelt thanks for all that was so kindly donated. Matthew 25:31-45.

10th Anniversary Folk Weekend – 19-21st July

Come and join us to celebrate Downend Folk and Roots 10th Anniversary from 19th – 21st July. There is lots going on at the Church for all ages over the weekend, including a Family Ceilidh and ploughman’s dinner! For more information, please read the leaflet below: Folk weekend leaflet word Ceilidh Flyer

Lilie donations – Thank You

EASTER LILIES Thank you to all of you who contributed to Easter Lilies this year whether it was in memory of a loved one or a celebration. There were about 80 lilies donated and Church looked beautiful. Thank you so much. Maggie

Deanery Synod and Churchwarden form

Please click on the link below to print the Deanery Synod form: Deanery Synod form Please click on the link below to print the Churchwarden form: Churchwarden form

PCC leaflet and nomination form

Please click on the link below to read the PCC leaflet: PCC leaflet updated April 2023 Please click on the link below to print the PCC nomination form: PCC form

OCOD Reflections – April

One Church One Day Reflections – April 2024 ‘Above all, clothe yourselves in love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony’ Col 3:14 Once again at least 40 of us united in prayer at the weekend. It was a miracle that Prayer & Praise Together took place considering all the technical hitches prior to 7pm, […]

OCOD – 24hrs of prayer – April

‘Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.’ Col 3:14 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Would you like to spend an hour with the Lord, united with brothers and sisters in prayer over a full 24 hours? You can! Our monthly rhythm of prayer takes place from 7pm Friday 5th to 7pm […]

Experience Easter

Experience Easter Outside was an amazing week where we had almost 300 primary aged children visit Christ Church to take part in learning about Jesus during that first Easter.  It was great to share the amazing Easter story with so many children and see them really reflecting on what it means.  Thank you to everyone who […]

April Newsletter

Please click on the link below to view April’s newsletter: April newsletter