Posts by Jon Tooby

9197 of 97 items

Real Easter Egg Campaign

Real Easter Egg Campaign

Following on from the successful Real Easter Egg campaign, you can now buy Real Advent Calendars: fair trade chocolate, and the real meaning of Christmas on the calendar itself and an accompanying 24 page story book. Tesco have agreed to sell them, so I am going to place an order so that they can see […]

Help us reduce our paper consumption

Mountain of paper

In an attempt to reduce paper consumption, we would like to send more of our communications by email where possible. If you are happy for us to do this, please complete a form available in the Church Foyer (even if you have already completed a database form) and pop it into the box. Thank you.

Ways into Learning to Live the Life at CCD

Young people holding hands up on a sunlit beach

Our vision at Christ Church is to become a vibrant community that is learning to live life in Christ, wherever God has placed us. Our primary focus therefore is on prayerfully supporting and practically equipping one another to be authentic Christ followers in the whole of our lives. But how do we do that? Homegroups […]

Adult baptism and confirmation opportunity

A park at sun rise

There will be an opportunity for anyone that would like to be baptised or confirmed at a service on Monday 15 July 2013.  We plan to run preparation sessions on Mondays during June. If you are interested in exploring this please let Paul Peterson know.

Adult baptism and confirmation opportunity

A park at sun rise

There will be an opportunity for anyone that would like to be baptised or confirmed at a service on Monday 15 July 2013.  We plan to run preparation sessions on Mondays during June. If you are interested in exploring this please let Paul Peterson know.

Charity walk in aid of St Peter’s Hospice

St Peter's Hospice logo

I will be doing the 10 mile “midnight walk” in July to raise funds for St Peter’s Hospice where Nick is being cared for. The staff are so wonderful and can’t do enough to help us in this difficult time. If you feel able I would be really grateful if you would make a donation, […]

Annual report now available online


‘Learning to live the Life’ has been the focus for our church, as we have sought to build relationships – up, in and out – through the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Find out what’s been happening in the life of Christ Church over the last 12 months in the annual report […]