Posts by Jon Tooby

8190 of 97 items

Church library

Why not browse the catalogue of the resources we have available to borrow at the back of the church? There are plenty of great titles to watch and read. If you have read or watched something that you would like to recommend then please contact Tim Rawlings.    

Promises, promises…

Polling Station

So many promises made by so many parties, all seeking to capture our cross on 7th May! Yet, our nation tends to hear these promises with a certain scepticism if not cynicism because far too often what has been promised has not been delivered. The general apathy towards even voting is surely a direct result […]

Our Mission Partners 2014-17


As a church we are committed to partnering with six missions. These missions represent many aspects of God’s work in the world including the relief of poverty both locally and abroad; the provision of medical support in parts of the world where there are few hospitals using ships; provision of equipment and buildings for a […]

Wandering and Wondering

Garden of Gethsemane at Christ Church Downend

How much time have you spent in the churchyard? Perhaps a loved one is buried there, and you take time to reflect and remember. Perhaps you use the bench in the spiritual garden for a lunchtime breather. Maybe your children race around on their scooters exploring after a service or on the way home from […]

Create a quiet place


Ever wanted to have a day away in a quiet place, on your own or with a friend? Ever wondered what to do on that day? How to make that time fruitful? Here’s a suggested structure that might help (pdf, 76kb)

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

When we pray ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven’ we are praying that our lives may become cross-shaped. The call of Christ to any who would come after him is to take up their cross daily and follow him. The Stations of the Cross form an ancient meditation where you can develop your […]

Learning to see with vision restored

Man against a sunset

Examen is a daily exercise initiated by St. Ignatius some 600 years ago to help people to see and serve God through reflection. It has five simple steps and takes about 15 minutes to complete. 1. Stillness Relax. Allow the tensions of the day to dissipate, and recognise that you are in God’s presence. 2. […]

The Carbon Fast Challenge

Blue Bell Wood

Reduce your household’s and church’s carbon footprint by 40% during Lent this year. The result? Better stewardship, enhanced worship and witness, and new disciplines for the future. In response to globally recognised ecological concerns, dioceses across the South West are challenging a destructive culture of ease and wastefulness. The national output of carbon dioxide (CO2 […]

God led me to Christ Church Downend

Christ Church at sunset

Margaret always felt that God was leading her to the “cute little church” but she never had the courage to step inside. She shares her continuing journey of faith. My husband David and I arrived in Bristol in December 2012 from Melbourne Australia to be closer to David’s daughter, Grandchildren and Great-Granddaughter. Great plans were […]

This time tomorrow

A park at sun rise

A regular feature of our services at Christ Church is a ‘This Time Tomorrow’ (TTT) slot, where we find out about the life and faith of a church member. Recently we heard from Angie Moller, a community nurse at St Peter’s Hospice. Tell us a little about yourself and what you’ll be doing this time […]