We have been called to be the generation that realises God’s purposes for the church which we have inherited from those who have gone before. And we have been called to realise the vision of a re-ordered Parish church that is a sacred space where community, creativity and Christian Spirituality can flourish- shaping an environment which connects with contemporary culture and is fit for the purposes the Lord has for the future.

We have now reached a hugely significant milestone on the pathway toward the fulfilment of that vision. The plans which have been the result of an extensive process of consultation and collaboration, and the consistent endeavours of small core team over a long period of time, have been given their final approval and we are now able to move into the detailed design stage of the project.

To that end the Building4Life Team will shortly be looking to draw together a number of working groups that will consider what will be required in the different spaces of our church.

It is envisaged that the detailed design stage will last 3-4 months. The final drawings will then go out to tender and the building work will start in the summer of 2017

We have already been greatly blessed with a significant proportion of the funds which has been given specifically for the re-ordering project. The money set aside from the tithe of the giving from some members of our church has enabled our partners in the church in Moldova to make huge progress with the building of a new church there. We will be applying for grants and inviting any who wish to invest further in this work to do so through financial gifts and pledges as detailed costings become available.

The PCC has now appointed Andy Morton from Ascribe Management Services to be our project manager and Maggie Nichols to be the project co-ordinator.

So let us thank God that his purposes are being worked out; let us praise him for his ongoing provision and let us work together to complete the task with which he has entrusted us.

Further details

For those who want to have further details, please see the Statement of Significance (Pdf, 5Mb) and the Statement of Need (Pdf, 555kb).

Proposed plans

Ground floor plan (Pdf, 347kb)
First floor plan (Pdf, 106kb)
Sections (Pdf, 13Mb)

Building4Life Team
November 2016

The Building4Life Team consists of Roger Cholmondeley, Dave Green, Ruth Martin, Maggie Nichols, Jamie Paddon, Mike Parsons, Jo Vickery, Shahne Vickery and Elizabeth Ward


To invest financially in this work, please use our Giving4Life form (Pdf, 333kb)

Alternatively you can make an online donation through give.net from Stewardship. Once you have made a donation you will be contacted by our Planned Giving Secretary who will inquire about the specific details of how you would like your donation used in the Building4Life project.