Churchyard working party
Come and help the churchyard look tidy and welcoming for visitors and passers by. Bring tools if you have them. Families with small gardeners welcome. Turn up and await instructions!
Come and help the churchyard look tidy and welcoming for visitors and passers by. Bring tools if you have them. Families with small gardeners welcome. Turn up and await instructions!
Come to Christ Church Downend for some Bank Holiday Monday free family fun. Inflatables, craft zone, cafe zone, face painting and more… Everything is FREE!! 2-4pm at Christ Church. Our Youth team and our Noise volunteers are organising this free family event as part of the Downend Noise.
What is life all about? Who is Jesus? Why does he matter? How can people have a relationship with God? How can I connect with people? What’s the point of the church? If you’d like to ask questions: these or any others you can think of, come to Coffee and Questions. We can’t promise we […]
Come for a time of worship, stories, inspiration and challenge at Christ Church. The service is an informal cafe style with contemporary music, teaching and space to be yourself so God can meet you as you are. Come and get under the shower with us, and leave refreshed!
Join us to celebrate Holy Communion on Easter Day at any of these 3 services: a traditional Holy Communion at The Church Centre, Quakers Rd. @ 9.15am Family Holy Communion Celebration at Christ Church Downend @ 10.30am (There will be children’s activities & an egg hunt at the end of this service) Evening Easter Holy […]
Gather in anticipation of the Easter Joy to come as we prepare for Easter Day with a candlelit vigil on Easter Saturday / Holy Saturday at 8pm in Christ Church. The Church will be filled with lilies as we anticipate the risen Christ.
At The Foot of The Cross, a solemn service to follow the steps of Jesus on Good Friday. Reflections, readings and times of silence. 2pm Christ Church Downend. Everyone welcome.
Join in a Good Friday Walk around Downend, with readings and activities to remember the events of Good Friday. We will be starting at the Westerleigh Rd. car park ( KIng George V Playing fields) at 10am. There will be dramatised readings of the last days of Jesus’life, and acts of reflection to take part […]
Tuesday Move It Club are hosting a free morning for an “Easter Bounce” at Pendennis Good News Church. Wednesday 10 April 10am-12pm TMIC is a free after school activity club with Nic from Pendennis Good News Church & Helen from Christ Church Downend with grant funding from both Churches & The Staple Hill Community Hub. […]
Come and celebrate what God has been doing over the past year at our Annual Parish Church meeting on Wednesday 10th April 7.30 pm. At this meeting we look back and see how you have all played a part in building the Kingdom here in this community, and we elect members to represent us […]