Past events

311320 of 432 items

Men’s breakfast

May 13, 2017 8am
Cooked breakfast

Food for the body and soul Men’s breakfast at the Kendleshire Golf Club, with Jonny Angel from The Wild Goose Café (run by Crisis Centre Ministries) on Saturday 13th May at 8am. Tickets from the Parish Office tel: 0117 908 9867 or email

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Women’s Quiet Day

May 6, 2017 10.00 - 4.00
Gate and field

Rest Reflect Restore Revive Come away for a while, with other women from Christ Church and beyond. Step out of the rush and pull of life, to find stillness in God’s love, and peace to revive you. A group of us will travel down in shared cars to Mill House near Tiverton in Devon, finding […]

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Mothers’ Union: More than just Friendship

May 3, 2017 2.15pm
A park at sun rise

Mothers’ Union “More than just Friendship”  open afternoon, living with the boss, poems and anecdotes with Margaret Adams. Christ Church Parish Hall at 2.15pm. The Mothers’ Union is for men (yes that’s right men do belong to the Mothers’ Union) and women, it includes friendship and faith, and supports projects to help family life both […]

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Sunrise service on Easter Sunday 8 am

April 16, 2017 8 am

An informal short service around the brazier followed by breakfast of hot cross buns and bacon butties. Not quite “dawn” on the third day but still early as we are filled with joy that Christ is risen!

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Seek Joy: 24 hours of prayer

April 15, 2017 – April 16, 2017 9 am Saturday to 9 am Sunday

Book an hour or just turn up for our second adventure in prayer. “Can we do this again?” was the cry after our week pf 24/7 prayer in January. Well yes we can. If you missed out last time, make sure you come to discover that you CAN pray for an hour- in fact, you […]

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At the Foot of the Cross

April 14, 2017 2pm

Reflective hour at the foot of the cross – readings, thoughts, reflection and silence as we wonder at all that Jesus did for us.  

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The Passion – musical theatre at Christ Church

April 7, 2017 Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm
Lamps theatre company presents The Passsion.

A moving and memorable night of musical theatre in Downend Come and see a new, original musical production from the Lamps theatre company.  The Passion follows the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in this moving, memorable and ultimately joyful retelling of the Easter events. Performed by a talented cast of four, this original musical will […]

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More than just Friendship, Mothers’ Union with Martyn Poole

April 5, 2017
Girl reading in the sun

What a privilege to hear inspiration from Martyn Poole, a man from Downend with a passion for reaching out both here in Downend and also across the world. Martyn will be sharing about the Parish Council, the soup run, Knitting and nattering in Downend Library, the Men and their tools group, an orphanage (linked to […]

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Welcome Meal

March 28, 2017 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm
Welcome sign on the floor

If you ‘re new, new-ish or thinking about coming to Christ Church, come and enjoy and meal and a chance to meet the leadership team. ask those questions you’ve been mulling over; what does CAP stand for; who is Monty Mouse; what is Open Church? Over a relaxed cooked meal, get to know other new […]

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Men’s Curry Night

March 23, 2017
Table laid for a meal.

Men’s curry night 7.45pm at the Tikka Raaz in Downend. Sign up in the welcome space or email or speak to Paul Peterson.

Event Details