It is a delight to update everyone on the progress we are making in the Building4Life project. Last week there were interviews with three architects and after much discussion and prayer the Building4Life team recommended MEB Design Ltd to the PCC.

Paul Chester & Mark Eddison, MEB Design, Andy Morton & Building4Life team

The PCC appointed MEB Design after having had time to read their proposals, see plenty of evidence of their extensive church based experience and read their references. Now the work starts in earnest to get this new firm up to speed on the project so far, and we can start to plan and schedule what timescale we are working to.

At the interview, the architects from MEB Design, Mark and Paul, shared some of the many projects they have recently been involved with. You may like to see St John’s Downshire Hill, All Saints, Woodford Wells, St Marks, Colney Heath St Paul’s Church St Albans and Newbury Methodist Church among others featured on their website.

The PCC have also appointed Andy Morton as Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Fund Lead for grant applications and Principal Designer.

(Photo: Shahne Vickery, Mark Eddison, Andy Morton, Paul Chester, Peter Albon Crouch, Mike Parsons, Maggie Nichols, Jo Vickery, Roger Cholmondeley, Dave Green, Elizabeth Ward & Ruth Martin)

Vicar Jo Vickery says, “………We have been truly blessed by the appointments of MEB Design and Andy Morton to take forward this creatively complex project. Our God continues to be faithful in his ongoing provision for us and the future of Christ Church as a hub of life in our community.”

To invest financially in this work, please use our Giving4Life form (Pdf, 333kb)

Alternatively you can make an online donation through from Stewardship. Once you have made a donation you will be contacted by our Planned Giving Secretary who will inquire about the specific details of how you would like your donation used in the Building4Life project.