Posts by Jon Tooby

7180 of 97 items

Sunday teaching during the Autumn


Sunday mornings: 9.15am & 10.30am Services Who is God? 4th September: Yahweh: Lord 11th September: Emmanuel – God with us 18th September: Jehovah Jireh – God will Provide 25th September: El Shaddai – God Almighty 2nd  October: TBC 9th October: Harvest 16th October: Jehovah Rapha – The Lord who heals 23rd October: Jehovah Roi – The Lord is my […]

Thank you from Africa

Group shot of the builders at Akubui Primary School and the staff at Green Top guest house.

Read Richard and Jan Bacon’s thank you newsletter (Pdf, 1.2MB) and find out how they used your donations whilst serving in Uganda and Kenya.

Thank you from Africa

Group shot of the builders at Akubui Primary School and the staff at Green Top guest house.

Read Richard and Jan Bacon’s thank you newsletter (Pdf, 1.2MB) and find out how they used your donations whilst serving in Uganda and Kenya.

The Builders are coming this summer

Lego figure digging up the road

Passion + perseverance = grit God called Nehemiah to re-build broken walls and re-build his people. This summer we’ll discover how we can learn to live more grittily in the strength God gives.  24th July: The Need and the Call Nehemiah – Chapter 1 (Diane Paddon) 31st July: Prayer, Planning and Preparation – Chapter 2 […]

TEN’s newsletter

Children receive food at Mission Bulgaria Soup Kitchen

Here is TEN’s newsletter (pdf, 6Mb) for July-August 2016. In this edition, the main article is how Harvest for the Hungry food parcels are Transforming Children’s Lives across Europe. “I wasn’t very enthusiastic about opening it and reading it if I’m very honest. I was thinking, oh no, something else to read and think about.  But […]

Brunel Brass Charity Concert: 16th July 2016

Close-up of a trombone

We are delighted to announce that Christ Church will be hosting a charity concert by Brunel Brass at 7pm on 16th July 2016. The money raised will go towards Christ Church’s mission partners. Also performing with the band will be guest appearances from Don Jenkins, Steve Jenkins and our very own Nathan and Reuben Jenkins […]

Celebrating 140 years of the Mothers’ Union

There was a Celebration Service in Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 23rd April 2016 with the Bishop of Bristol presiding, the Lord Mayor of Bristol and the Mayor of Chippenham were also in attendance. The Mothers’ Union (MU) was first established in the Bristol Diocese in 1898 when there were 12 branches and around 400 members. […]

Annual report 2015-16 is now available online

Sunrise over the graveyard at Christ Church Downend

Find out what’s been happening in the life of Christ Church over the last 12 months in our annual report (pdf, 1.75mb). Here is the church’s financial summary 2015 (pdf, 908kb) which is to be approved at the Annual Parish Church Meeting on Sunday 17 April 2016.

Looking for the Next Step?

Thinking about dipping your toe in the water? Feeling that you would like to see how God can use you on your front line? Wishing for fellowship with other Christians to help you flourish? Wanting to know the Bible more fully? There are many ways to grow, and many ways to get there: reading, using […]

Church library

Why not browse the catalogue of the resources we have available to borrow at the back of the church? There are plenty of great titles to watch and read. If you have read or watched something that you would like to recommend then please contact Tim Rawlings.