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When AI talks like a human

LICC’s weekly articles on Connecting with Culture and Word for the Week take a fresh approach to Scripture and the world, and are always worth reading. But this week’s article “When AI talks like a human” really made me sit up in my seat. The role of artificial intelligence in our lives is often debated: […]

Tackling a difficult passage

This week’s sermon focused on a tricky passage: one of those sections in the Epistles which seems to command women to behave in a way that sits uncomfortably with our culture today. Here is a guide to help us wrestle with these kind of passages. How to tackle a controversial passage: PRAY! Ask the Holy […]

Volunteer Debt Coach opportunities

As you can imagine, there are many people in our community who are finding their finances more and more of a struggle, and who have got into debt. Rosie Brydon, our CAP Centre manager, is looking for others who could be trained to accompany people to get out from underneath the crippling burden of debt. […]

Sarah’s baptism

Yesterday we saw a very happy event: the baptism of Sarah Heath. Surrounded by friends and family, Sarah explained how she had contact with Christ Church for some years before deciding that God was real, that he cared for her and wanted her to follow him. Read Sarah’s story beow: Sarah’s story I started coming […]

Fantastic servants of the Lord

What a great way to celebrate Pentecost on Sunday. The Church first began when the Holy Spirit came upon each person, equipping them with the power to serve and know God as Father. The Queen is known to base her life of service to the nation on the Servant King, Jesus and on the Holy […]

Springboard for getting involved

Gary Smart who has led our youth team for many years with Diane Paddon, explains in this video how the youth team and other church family have been involved in the Bristol Noise since 2011. The Noise is a city wide project to show God’s love in practical ways. Over the years the team have […]

Easter at Christ Church

From sorrow to joy On Good Friday there are two events with their own distinct feel. Easter Activities with Messy Church This is a chance for all the family to explore the whole Easter story together through crafts, activities, refreshments and worship time. Bring friends with you to explore together. If it’s fine weather, we’ll […]

The Noise 2022

Are you looking for something fun to do with your children this May Bank Holiday Monday? Look no further! On Bank Holiday Monday, May 2nd, Christ Church, Downend will be holding a FREE Family Fun Afternoon. The event will be in the main church building between 2pm-4.30pm.  The fun afternoon will have inflatables, games, face painting, a […]

New small group Reflections

Feeling too frazzled for an in-depth study and discussion group after a hectic day working or looking after children? Prefer stillness to sharing? This new group gives more space for reflection and quiet. We gather for coffee/ tea and cake from 7.45 or arrive at 8 for the start of the session. There’s a guided […]

Our new sermon series – All things New

Journeying through the whole bible in 14 weeks Last Sunday Aidan kicked off our new sermon series that we are incredibly excited about. “All things New: Joining God’s story of re-creation” is the title that comes from a book by Pete Hughes that we will be using as a guide. You can listen/watch Aidan’s introduction […]