Hello everyone !
A big thank you to Elliot who made a Lego Christ Church model. If you would like to share anything you have painted / drawn / cooked / filmed please do send photos or film to me. We would be delighted to share them on our social media pages. Elliot this model is amazing and we are so grateful to you for sharing it with us.

This Sunday our 9am Zoom with Sparklers includes Jack going swimming, so can you bring any swimming googles or arm bands if you have any. There is a pdf with the fruits which Jack is learning about here, in case any sparklers want to print out their own copy & here is the story from Jack and Eloise https://youtu.be/VXvpU9vWlh8 Thank you so much to Eloise and Jack for telling us the story of when Jack had his first swimming lesson. Sparklers are learning about peace this Sunday. Bring your googles or your arm bands and join us at 9am ! And our Connected groups will be trying to memorise the 10 plagues from Exodus 7-11. We will be watching about 7 minutes (on the plagues bit minute 16.14 onwards) from this 40 minute YouTube film Exodus a brick film and having a quiz.
Can the children bring one sheet of paper and some pens and scissors? Thank you!! If you want to learn about the ten plagues before Sunday I’ve drawn a handy reminder sheet in my Friday Connected film here.
I want to thank so many of you for your encouraging words and smiling faces as you arrive into zoom groups or join in with facebook live sessions. It is such an encouragement to me to see so many of your children joining in whenever they can. I know its not something which suits every child and we don’t mind at all if any of them buzz off for some reason. It’s just so good to see them and you. Breakfast / snacks / pets / pyjamas all fine with me. Last week we had some excellent joke telling and one guinea pig, 2 chickens and a dog came to say hi too ! Email children@christchurchdownend.com or text Helen 07817077141 if you can’t find your email with the codes for our zoom groups.
Hope to see you all soon. Love Helen Buick ( Children’s Church leader)