We may be small but we have big hearts – and a litter grabber or two!
Various church groups are arranging fund raising activities so that we can all play our part to help the Building 4 Life fund make the refurbishment at Christ Church Downend everything it can be, for both worshippers and the local community.
Jigsaw, our Friday morning toddler group, did not want to be left out. We are holding a sponsored litter pick in the centre of Downend at the end of our session on April 27th. Complete with high viz jackets and litter pickers, we will scour the streets and leave no crisp packet unturned. Quite how far our toddlers will be able to grasp the task, we are not sure, but they are awesome at tidying away the toys before song time on a Friday so we feel sure they will get the hang of it!
Do come and support us and either sponsor us directly or online (details for online giving will be available on the website shortly. To donate directly, either drop a donation into the Parish Office at the Parish hall, North Street, in an envelope marked “Jigsaw sponsored litter pick” or contact Anita Dobson for details).
Or come and find us on the day: we will be carrying buckets for cash as well as rubbish bags.