Book your children in and prepare to blast off in a praise party like you have never known.

Christ Church Downend is hosting Big Church Kids worship leader, Chip Kendall and he will be bringing his crew to Downend in 2019.

We have booked this High Energy Praise Party, which is called, “Orbitron” at Christ Church Downend for the first Saturday of February Half Term (Saturday 16 February 2019) at 2pm. (Doors open at 1.30pm, space theme fancy dress would be fantastic too, but its optional !)

Tickets are £3 for primary school age children. Younger siblings and parents / carers please join us, but you won’t need to buy a ticket. Tickets are on sale now, you can get tickets online from   or from the Parish Office 9.30-12pm or by emailing Helen Buick our Children’s leader on 

Invite your friends to join us and take this amazing adventure with your children for February half term.