Confused? Stressed? Anxious?

Elections can leave us feeling this way even in “normal” times, but this year politics has been extra messy. How do Christians vote with wisdom? What questions should we be asking? What can we pray?

It would not be right for one to tell another how they should vote, but we can all pray for the process, for the people concerned, and for our community. We can pray for peace of mind for those who are anxious;  a right way to handle anger; an ability to see other’s points of view and understand what life is like in their shoes. We can pray for Christians in politics that they might lead by example in their words and actions. We can pray that God may guide us with his principles and priorities.

We invite you to take advantage of the following opportunities to pray, as well as taking one of the prayer cards which are available at all our services in the next two weeks.

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Wed 4th and Wed 11th Dec at the Youth Hub, 7 -7.30 am

Prayer at the Celtic Service Sunday 8th Dec 6.30 pm and afterwards- the church will be open until 10 pm for individual prayer.

On Election Day 12th Dec Christ Church will be open 11-12.30 and 5-6.30pm for individual prayer.