Things are going to be a bit different this Sunday for the 10.30 service. As part of our Faith- Sharing Culture series, we invite you to go out and be a blessing!

Coffee served from 10am

Short act of worship together at 10.30 am  / OR  meet at 10.00 am at Ovendale Road to help plant 1000 bulbs on behalf of the council. (For this activity please get in touch with Diane Paddon

Then there are various options: 

Here are some ideas:

Help a neighbour by washing their car/ doing some gardening/ take things to the tip for them (ask first!)

Have a coffee in a local coffee shop and pay for the person behind you.

Litter picking in your local space.

Buy flowers/ cake / chocolates and take to bless local shop keepers/ people working today. Or go home and bake something and decide who to bless.

Make / write a card to say thank you to a local councillor/ your postie/ your refuse collection team/ someone who runs a local business you use

Remember to pray for them while you do it!

If you would rather stay in church, there will be opportunities to pray at various prayer stations, and you can make a card or gift for someone local to bless them.