Coronavirus Finance Update – May 2020

Interior of the newly refurbished Christ Church Downend

This week Rev Paul Peterson caught up with our treasurer, Jamie Paddon, to find out how the coronavirus lockdown was impacting Christ Church. P: Thanks for chatting to us Jamie – the big question for you as treasurer is what impact is the coronavirus lockdown having on Christ Church’s finances? J: Well, the two main […]

Children’s Church this Sunday

Hello everyone ! A big thank you to Elliot who made a Lego Christ Church model. If you would like to share anything you have painted / drawn / cooked / filmed please do send photos or film to me. We would be delighted to share them on our social media pages.  Elliot this model […]

Neema Crafts Tanzania PPE Appeal

Ben and Katy Ray are our mission partners in Tanzania. For the safety of the staff and community they have decided to shut down the Neema Centre until such a point as it seems safe to re-open. This was not an easy decision, especially as there are very few reported cases currently in Tanzania, but […]

Valuing the week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown, Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness!

Is God trying to get your attention ?

Great news it’s a Bank Holiday Weekend. Friday 8 May its Zoom for Monty fans @ 9.30am . Then a VE Day party in your garden / driveway ? (we are having ours 3.15-4pm) If you do have a party, would you like to send me (Helen Buick) a mini film clip of you waving […]

Valuing the week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown, Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness!

God has a plan for me !

Our Connected Sunday groups this week will be studying Exodus 1 & 2 and how God had a plan for baby Moses, even though things looked pretty bleak for them and their whole nation. As God’s people, the Israelites were stuck in Egypt and living with increasingly tough times, under Pharaoh. The opposition was growing […]

Annual report 2019-2020

The new Annual Report is out, and is very far from a boring read! Want to know what has been happening and why we’ve been doing it? Have a read! Most of it was written BC – before COVID. New challenges are now before us, not least the serious financial situation we are now facing […]

Latest news from Ben and Katy, our Mission Partners with CMS

Children walking through a forest in Tanzania carrying wood

In Tanzania, there has been 300 cases of COVID-10 and 10 confirmed deaths. However, testing is really not very widespread and so we imagine actual infection numbers to be much higher. A few weeks back we had one of the hardest calls of our lives, whether to book ourselves up on what looked like one […]