One Church One Day

A movement to cover Bristol in prayer 24/7 365 days a year Imagine a wave of prayer gliding across the city and its outskirts day after day, night after night. The city’s people: the wealthy and the down on their luck; the successful and the despairing; those in health and those in sickness; those taking […]

Storms being calmed

Beautiful paintings of storms being calmed by our Sunday Connected + group. We know the one who can calm all the storms in our lives.

The Football & Faith Experiment

Want to get to Sunday Church and play football ? Children in years 4,5 & 6 at Primary School ? Well now you can do both. We are having a Football and Faith Experiment at Christ Church. Once a month some of our 6th form students will be hosting ball skills inside the Parish Hall […]

We are learning to retreat!

It seems that God has blessed us at Christ Church with a growing hunger to retreat. More and more of us are discovering the joy of getting away and setting time apart for meeting God in quiet. It’s easier than it looks! Many people say, “Oh I could never go on a retreat.” Try it. […]

At Home in Lent

What do YOU do to mark the season of Lent? Give stuff up? Take stuff on? Lent gives us a chance to strip things back to the bare branches, to see ourselves and God more clearly. What helps you to do this? Some find the act of doing without certain things helps to focus their […]

Defying the Odds

Please put Friday 5th April in your diary and come along to Christ Church for an evening of inspiring entertainment in support of our local CAP centre. Rod Williams, professional magician and author of The Real Deal, will be sharing how he left a life of drugs and crime to follow God. He will intersperse his story with […]

Can’t sit still?

Seeking peace in mind and body So many of us find it hard to sit still. We are on the move constantly, scrolling, glancing, wandering, muttering! While that restless activity may sometimes produce creativity and action, often it just makes us feel both exhausted and unproductive. Where is God when I need Him? God does […]

Church turns into a Space Ship for half term !

Christ Church was transformed over half term, as families went on an epic voyage inside the Church with Chip Kendall, his crew & the Praise Ship Orbitron. The Church was filled with hearts, silver foil, planets & stars as local families revelled in the atmosphere. Chip, who works in a Church in Manchester, is more […]

Are you up for The Challenge?

We are piloting a World Vision Challenge at the end of the month Jesus gave all his followers a challenge in Matthew 25 when he said, “I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink..” The charity World Vision which works with some of the poorest people on […]

Could You Be A Volunteer Debt Coach?

Changing lives logo

Some exciting developments are underway at our CAP Debt Centre. As we’re now incredibly busy and have a 3 month waiting list for appointments, we’ve decided to take on two Volunteer Debt Coaches.   These will be voluntary roles in which basic expenses are paid with a time commitment of 8 hours per week.  The job […]