Want to see the latest photos from our Building4Life project?

As we have gathered photos from the Building4Life project to update and refresh our Parish Church, we have stored them all in this album on facebook. This is fine if you know how to find them. If you want to see them and don’t know how to get there, follow this link. There are some […]

Power of Being Prayed For

Line of people holding hands against a sunset

Have you discovered the power of being prayed for? We often encourage people from the front or in written articles to pray, but we don’t often encourage people to get prayed for. This is just as important, vital though having our own communication with God is as an open channel. We can also receive much […]

The New Drug

Think that porn isn’t a problem in the church? Think that it’s only a problem for men? Think that your child’s not going to be exposed to any porn because you have filters? Think that there’s nothing damaging about occasional use of porn: it’s natural, right? Think that your problem is too shameful to ever […]

Six Nations Rugby 2018

Rugby balls

Why don’t you come and see if the England rugby team can retain their Six Nations title for a third successive year? At the same time you can enjoy fellowship, snacks and the tries with other members of Christ Church whilst watching each England game live. It couldn’t be easier. All you have to do […]

News from Pastor Misa in Moldova

We are delighted to receive this newsletter from Pastor Misa this January.  It is wonderful to hear about what happens inside their new Church building.  On Christmas day all the kindergarten teachers turned up to join in with the celebrations.  He sends news of three getting baptised, prayer requests, along with greetings to the brothers […]

Christ Church Needs You!

Imagine those war time posters with the big finger pointing straight out at you! The image reminds us that each one of us counts, that we are all part Team Christ and therefore Team Christ Church, our local part of His body. By serving, we become more like Christ the Servant King, so if you […]

What’s on offer for children at Christ Church on a Sunday?

I was wondering how to explain what exactly happens on Sunday mornings for our children, so here’s a snap shot from last Sunday: Our Children’s groups start at about 10.45am on a Sunday, so children experience a short taste of the main Church for a couple of songs, and perhaps some notices, then our children […]

Family Pancake Brunch – Can we join in?

Lent isn’t just giving up chocolate: start Lent at Christ Church with a fun, family pancake brunch. Find some Lent ideas and try out what will work for you and your little ones. We will have a craft zone, spaces to reflect & ponder and of course a race and flip pancake zone. It will […]

How far have we come?

In Advent 2012 we launched the church’s vision, Learning to Live the Life, reminding us that we are on a journey of learning to be disciples of Jesus and to make disciples for him, as he commanded in the Great Commission. After 5 years it’s time to review how far people feel they understand the […]

Read the New Testament in a year challenge

An illustrated dove flying out of a Bible

The New Year is rapidly approaching. Perhaps you are wondering what New Year’s resolution might be best for you this year – or perhaps you have long abandoned resolutions which are so quickly broken. Christ Church website offers you the best possible New Year’s resolution. Why not commit to reading through the entire New Testament […]