Our outworking of mission at Christ Church is expressed in many different ways. First and foremost we believe that every individual is created by God for a purpose and that each of us is called to serve him on our frontlines.

These frontlines are the places where we spend most of our waking hours – at work, in the home, in groups within the community, within sports teams. God calls us to live the Christian life in these places, demonstrating his love in word and action. Our regular church activities seek to equip people for this and emphasise the fact that the Christian faith is not to be hidden away in the confines of a church building, but lived out in the community at large.

You’ll also find Christ Church to be a permission giving church where people are encouraged to take initiative in serving others. Many of us are involved with local and international charities and mission projects. We specifically support six of these charities – to find out more see Mission Partners.

Alpha and Puzzling Questions provide an opportunity for people to find out more about the Christian faith in the company of others. Many have found this a great way to ask honest questions and discover the depths of God’s love for themselves.

Christ Church is committed to seeing God’s purposes worked out in the wider world and currently supports six mission agencies through the tithing of our donor income, prayer and practical engagement. Our mission support is now due for review and the PCC is asked to consider plans for the period 2020-22. If members of the congregation would like to propose an organisation to support, they will need to complete the Mission Support Proposal 2020-22 form, paying due regard to the proposed criteria which are to be agreed by the PCC which are shown on the form.