One Church One Day Reflections – June 2024

‘Whatever you did for the ignored and overlooked you did for me.’ Matt 25:40

Gary kindly led 11 saints in Prayer & Praise Together at the beginning of One Church One Day, as I was celebrating a cousin’s 40th birthday with family. Bryan kindly led prayers for TEN. At least 34 of us united in prayer over the 24 hours. Graham shared: ‘It is always so helpful to step back and join in such a positive time at 7pm on Friday. Thanks Gary, for leading.’

Ann shared:

‘Good to meet up for Zoom meeting as usual…

I spent my hour mostly praying for the people and events on the list from TEN, and also for The Open Doors Standing Strong meeting which was held on Saturday in Bristol. And items which were mentioned in the prayer ‘group’ I was in on Friday evening, as we’d run out of time …Good to leave all this in our Lord’s loving hands.’

Indeed, there is great power in prayer, in being able to hand everything over to the Lord. As Sandy shared: ‘An hour’s prayer time was beneficial as always. What a great comfort time spent with the Lord is.’

Sally shared the beauty of being able to pray in different ways:

‘I finished my actual prayers 9 minutes early so decided to listen to some worship songs. There is so much bad press relating to screen time but tonight I was able to soak in the presence of God with the help of my iPhone and iTunes. Precious times.’

Very precious. Anita shared her reflections of prayer walking:

‘This month I decided to combat sleepiness by prayer walking around some of the southern boundaries of the parish in Staple Hill. I was struck by the Lord’s great love for the people and their businesses, families and activity.

It rained as soon as I began, but I persevered and it dried up after a while.’

Although away over the weekend, Mavis still joined in and has encouraged us with her reflections:

‘Matt.25v 37-40.  8 billion different ways to pray.
I was down my caravan Walton Bay Bristol Channel, for this prayer weekend. We watched the old Wavery paddle steamer, cruising up and down the channel to Devon and across to Wales. Then in the evening as the sun was setting, two modern day cruise ships came out of Avonmouth, sailing into the sunset
Reflecting on the old and new. We still can get pleasure from the old way of life, to serve others

For me, Matt 25:40 was how the Lord led me to get involved with the Bristol Soup Run Trust 18 years ago. Quite a story! Over 30 volunteers from CCD have joined us, serving the homeless over the years.

During my OCOD prayer hour I began to put together the prayers of intercession for the Breakfast Service at Quakers Road on Sunday morning, praying into Jesus words, ‘Whatever you did for the ignored and the overlooked, you did for me.’ I thought I would share them:

Dear Lord

You are love, living and dancing through creation. You are light, challenging and purifying our hearts. You are peace, deep and unfathomable, working through and beyond all pain and conflict.

Lord as we have been commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings this week and remembering the heroes who fought for our freedom, we have also been reminded of the horrors of war. We pray for all those who are living in war torn countries today. Lord comfort and strengthen them. We pray for world leaders, that they would have wisdom, courage and compassion as they gather for peace talks. We pray for those brave men and women who take aid to the innocent victims of war, men, women and children.

Lord Jesus, stir our hearts, for you said, ‘Whatever you did for the ignored and overlooked you did for me.’

Lord as politicians campaign to win our votes, we pray for truth and transparency. We pray that votes will not be used selfishly for personal gain, but with a genuine heart to make the UK a better, safer home, especially for those who are struggling.

Lord Jesus, stir our hearts, for you said, ‘Whatever you did for the ignored and overlooked you did for me.’

Lord, we think of the words we have just heard from Genesis (12:3) – ‘ALL peoples on Earth will be blessed’ And we think of Rehab the prostitute, Zacchaeus the tax collector, the Samaritan woman, Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, the woman caught in adultery, the Ethiopian Eneuch and so many more – the misunderstood, the judged, the excluded, the rejected  – but not by you. And we are mindful that many in our world today are misunderstood, judged, excluded and rejected. And yet your Word says that ALL people, ALL people on Earth will be blessed.’

Lord Jesus, stir our hearts for you said, ‘Whatever you did for the ignored and overlooked you did for me.’

Lord, in the stillness we call out to you the names of those we know who are suffering or struggling at this time…

Lord, where people are fearful or anxious, may they know your peace. Where they are lonely or mourning, may they know your comfort. Wherever people are struggling and suffering, may they know the power of your presence, your limitless and unconditional love, and the hope we have in you. And where we have the privilege of being your hands and feet, in posting a note, making a phone call, baking a cake, paying a visit, wherever we can be those, through whom you bless ALL, stir our hearts, for you said, ‘Whatever you did for the ignored and overlooked you did for me.’ Amen

With love and prayers, Diane x