Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

How wonderful it was to unite in prayer again this month, at least 39 of us praying ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.’ Wonderful to be led in prayer at Prayer & Praise by Gary for our mission partners Ben and Katy, and to be led in prayer by Alex for our home-grown missionary Iona. Great that Jan was able to pop in from Uganda too! Great to hear from Anne-Louise that Hannah and Peter are back in Azerbaijan, and to pray around local missionary work in our own lives and the life of the church.

Graham shared,

I appreciated being with you and the gang on Friday night as it was so lovely and purposeful. Not sure what more to say. It was a sweet atmosphere and really positive as we go on in the battle even in August. Lovely to hear your testimony too from deep in the night. THANKS so very much.

Ian shared,

How great is our God! After Friday eve prayer time I had to express my gratitude somehow!


Sandy shared,

A comforting time spent in prayer with the Lord. I repeated the Lord’s Prayer several times.

I found I was flitting about more than usual, praying for such diverse matters.

On we go with hope in our hearts.

God bless you.


Anita shared,

In my hour I was filled with gratitude for the love of God. I prayed for the homes around me, that they might experience the same love that we do.


Jan shared,

It was so lovely to be able to connect (even though it was brief!) Also what a blessing to know that Jamie was praying for us during his allocated time.

With love and blessings to you all

Jan xx

Two elderly women at Church today. Could not walk unassisted sitting on the mud floor!

What a blessing to receive such wonderful reflections. What a beautiful, powerful and challenging photo of these two ladies. What a prayer – ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.’

Next month, Friday 1st September, I’m not able to lead Prayer & Praise Together. If anyone would like to stand in, please let me know.

With love and prayers, Diane x