Past events

111120 of 421 items

Super Serving Sunday

August 29, 2021 10.45- 1pm

Your community needs YOU! Each year we try to bless the local community by serving in practical ways. This year we are holding a Super Serving Sunday on Sun 29th August as part of our morning worship. We will start off in church, and then as many as possible who are able to do physical […]

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Churchyard Work Party

August 28, 2021 9-12

As part of our serving weekend, come and lend a hand on Saturday morning to tidy up the churchyard so that all who pass through are blessed and can find the graves of loved ones. Bring any garden tools and gloves if you have them. Come for part of the time if you can’t manage […]

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Prayer Group for process of finding a new vicar

August 23, 2021 11am

How amazing that as we prepare our Parish Profile – our description of where we are as a church, what we’re like and where we sense God is leading – so God is preparing someone somewhere for the role of vicar! The more we pray, the more we will be in harmony with where the […]

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Newcomer Barbecue (note change of venue)

July 21, 2021 7.30pm

Finally. we can get together to welcome and celebrate those who are new (or fairly new!) to Christ Church! (Note, venue has been changed.) We are very pleased to invite you to a Newcomers Barbecue on Wed 21 July at 7.30 pm at Christ Church Downend (note change of venue.)  If you are new, or […]

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July One Church One Day, 24 Hours of Prayer

July 2, 2021 – July 3, 2021 7pm

Dear Church Family   Last month Ann Travers described OCOD as a ‘symphony of praise.’ It’s wonderful to be a part of this growing connectedness in prayer, which goes beyond church walls, uniting and strengthening the Body of Christ all over Bristol.  Christ Church Downend’s OCOD 24 hours of prayer starts next Friday 2nd July 7-8pm with Prayer […]

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Prayer & Praise Together

July 2, 2021 7-8pm

For those who would like to join together in a special time of prayer and praise 7-8pm on Friday please find the link below.   Meeting ID: 860 8041 1360  

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Whole Church Family Farewell Picnic for Jo and Shahne

June 27, 2021 12.30pm

We hope you will all be able to join us for a picnic to celebrate Jo and Shahne’s time at Christ church and to say goodbye.   Bring your own picnic rug/ chairs/ food/ drink, toys and games. Bring gazebos if you have them, especially if it’s wet (or hot?!)  The picnic will take place after […]

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Families @4 Picnic

May 30, 2021 12.30pm

Join us on Sunday 30th at 12.30 pm on King George V playing field for a pcinic. It’ the 5th Sunday in the month so instead of a Families @4 service we decided on a bank holiday weekend picnic. Bring your own rug/ charis/ banquet/ sandwiches/ toys and suitable clothing. We will be near the […]

Event Details

Tree of Hope

March 20, 2021 – April 4, 2021

Tie a ribbon in memory of a loved one In tough times we want to remember those we’ve loved and look to better times ahead. Come and tie a ribbon onto our yew tree in the churchyard, in memory of a loved one or just as a symbol of our thoughts, our hopes and fears, […]

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Easter Holy Communion at the Church Centre, Quaker’s Road

April 4, 2021 9.15 am

Join us for a warm welcome and traditional communion service as we celebrate that Jesus has risen. This service takes place at the Church Centre on Quakers Road, Bromley Heath. Please book a place at this service by contacting the office on 01179089867 or on Covid restrictions apply. (Hand sanitiser, distancing, face masks, track […]

Event Details