Past events

181190 of 432 items

Summer Family Cream Tea

August 30, 2019 2-4pm

Come and enjoy a late summer cream tea with some stalls and some crafts & activities for children. Spend time with your friends or make new ones at the very end of the School holidays. There will be a warm welcome and some lovely scones, with cream and jam & plenty of cups of tea.

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Spirit Space August: Ending Well

August 25, 2019 6.30pm

Come and worship together with contemporary style music, word, reflection together and silent space to breathe as the Holy Spirit fills us. Nigel Stowe will lead us in a reflection on the life of Joseph. Whether closing one chapter of your life before the next adventure, or looking ahead to the final chapter in the […]

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Summer Bounce

August 6, 2019 2-4pm

We are hosting a free bouncy castle and some summer fun with the Tuesday Move it Club outside the Staple Hill Community Hub in the summer holidays. Come and bounce the afternoon away with us!

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Tree and local history walk

August 4, 2019 1pm
A park at sun rise

Friends of Lincombe Barn Park and Woods are organising a tree and local history walk. Meet by the play area at 1pm on Sunday 4th August. All welcome. If you would like more information please contact Diane Paddon.

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Spirit Space July

July 28, 2019 6.30 pm

Come and connect with God at this cafe- style evening service with contemporary music and lots of space to reflect. Come and worship, come and pray, come and make space for God to work, come and find God’s love.  

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Newcomers Afternoon Tea

July 21, 2019 4 -5.30 pm

Come and meet the leadership team, ask questions and hear more about the vision of Christ Church, over tea, sandwiches and cake. All newcomers welcome, also anyone who feels they have not settled in yet and would like to find out more. Please RSVP to Anita on 07753233950 or Let us know of any […]

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July Messy Church

July 17, 2019 4.30pm - 6.30pm

Wouldn’t it be great… Wouldn’t it be great if you could all come out as a family once in a while during the week and have a tasty free* meal together without having to cook or even wash up… Wouldn’t it be great if you had time to actually play together with your children once […]

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Songs of Praise BBC recording

July 13, 2019 6.30-9.30pm

Come and be part of the congregation as the BBC record the singing for a Songs of Praise TV programme. We will be singing songs and hymns which we already sing at Christ Church ! This is a ticketed event,  there are only 300 tickets, please book your tickets by contacting the Parish Office on […]

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Brunel Brass Band

July 6, 2019
The Brunel Brass Band in concert

The band is looking forward to returning to Christ Church on July 6th at 7pm to support the fund raising for the Building4Life project. Since it’s last visit the band has changed conductor and is now led by Daniel Hall, a very accomplished, young musician and composer, who is currently completing his studies at the […]

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C in the Park 2019

June 23, 2019 11 - 4

A fantastic outdoor service followed by a fun afternoon for all. When the churches in Downend, Mangotsfield  and Staple Hill get together, powerful things happen! All the churches get together to worship in the fresh air at King George V playing fields. Our guest speaker this year is Bishop Viv Faulls, the new Bishop of […]

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