Past events

261270 of 421 items

Downend Soup

March 6, 2018 7:30 pm
Bowls of soup

Downend Soup is a community crowdfunding event powered by Christ Church Downend. It is being held at Christ Church Parish Hall at 7.30pm. Come and hear 3 local community groups pitch for funding, hear what they do and why they are passionate about it.  Enjoy homemade soup & delicious bread followed by cakes and coffee, […]

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Jigsaw is ON

March 2, 2018 9.45 -11.15

Monty says the doors will still be open if you want to come to Jigsaw despite the snow, so come along if it’s safe for you to get here. Older siblings welcome if school is closed. You might need to bring them something more suitable to play with. Any queries ring Anita 07753233950

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Breakfast service with Holy Communion

February 25, 2018 9:15 am
A park at sun rise

Breakfast service with Holy Communion at the Church Centre, Quakers’ Road at 9.15 am. We start with a Communion Service, pause for breakfast together and then complete the Communion Service.  This is a traditional service with plenty of time for fellowship; we invite out Youth Group to come and join in too. All welcome. For […]

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Family Pancake Brunch

February 17, 2018 9.00 am - 11.00 am

We are having a Family Pancake Brunch on Saturday 17 February at 9-11am at The Church Centre, Quakers Rd. BS16 6NH. An hour of crafts, fun pancake challenges and lent reflections followed by an hour to relax and share brunch together as a family. Open to all. This is a free event, but if you […]

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Mothers’ Union: talk

February 7, 2018 2.15 pm

A friendly once a month group open to new members: Mothers’ Union short AGM  and a talk from Jane White about the work of Christians Against Poverty (CAP). CAP work with those struggling with debt. Christ Church Parish Hall, North Street at 2.15pm Everyone welcome, more info from Christ Church Parish Office 0117 908 9867

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Puppets will be at our 10.30 service this Sunday

February 4, 2018 10.30am

Hello everyone, yes that’s right, we will be there! Telling you all about what happened last Saturday night! Hope you can come! love from Lucy & Bert. (P.S. Its a family service, but don’t worry, there are some brill things planned for anyone to join in as an alternative to listening to the insightful sermon […]

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Crib Service

December 24, 2017 4.00 pm

An excited hubbub of noise as families arrive. An expectant hush as the carols begin. Dressing up, chocolate, oohs and aahs, generations of families smiling together, all gathered around the crib to hear the greatest story ever told, a story true and powerful. Different venue this year, same heart: although Christ Church Downend is closed […]

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Carols at William Court

December 21, 2017 3.00pm

Carols, including some special ones for children, and  games & children’s crafts to make while we have refreshments. Come and bring some cheer to the residents of William Court, Overnhill Rd. BS16 5FL. Families very welcome. 

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Messy Church

December 20, 2017
Messy Church Logo

Christmas Messy Church at Christ Church Parish Hall will be from 4.30pm -6.30pm. All welcome, includes Christmassy crafts, chat, cups of tea, a short, with a short, child friendly and noisy time of worship. Our December Messy Christmas ends with a bring and share buffet, so if you are able, do bring something to share. […]

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