Past events

261270 of 432 items

Fashion show and proper afternoon tea

May 11, 2018 2pm - 5pm
Victoria sponge cake

Christ Church Fellowship, in partnership with Pam from Christine Peters in Staple Hill, is hosting a fashion show and afternoon tea on Friday 11th May 2pm – 5pm in the Parish Hall. Tickets are £10 each, either from Pam at the shop, Parish Office or from Maggie Nichols. Come along and have a fun afternoon […]

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The Noise Weekend

May 6, 2018 8.30am
The Noise t-shirt

The Noise 2018 We are excited to let you know that for the seventh year running a multi generational team from Christ Church, Downend will be volunteering for ‘The Noise” project in Bristol. Please consider participating. These days are always great ways to show God’s love in practical ways. Christians from all over Bristol, and […]

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2018 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

April 29, 2018 Midday
Sunrise over Christ Church Downend

The Annual Parish Church Meeting (APCM) will take place on Sunday 29th April at midday after a shortened 10:30am service. Everyone in the church family is invited. We hope you will all come and celebrate what God has been doing; each member of the body is needed and each is valued. Elections for Wardens, PCC […]

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Jigsaw Sponsored Litter Pick

April 27, 2018 11.00 am
Litter stick to a wet pavement

We may be small but we have big hearts – and a litter grabber or two! Various church groups are arranging fund raising activities so that we can all play our part to help the Building 4 Life fund make the refurbishment at Christ Church Downend everything it can be, for both worshippers and the […]

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Journey to the Cross- Good Friday

March 30, 2018 10:00am

Trace the steps of Jesus in the last hours of his human life as he headed to the Cross. Hear the words of this dramatic and world- changing story brought to life as we walk through Downend carrying a cross, and stop at various points along the route to hear the Easter readings. With the […]

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Maundy Thursday Service

March 29, 2018
Easter cross

Come and experience the wonder and mystery of Holy Week with us. Thursday 29th March 9.30am Holy Communion & Cafe style Open Church Holy Communion starts at 9.30am  Recalling the significance of the last meal Jesus shared with his friends. Open Church Cafe with cakes from 10.30-11.30am  Christ Church Parish hall.  All welcome, more information from […]

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Adult Baptism Service

March 25, 2018 6:30 pm
Holy Spirit as a Dove illustration

Adult Baptisms at Spirit Space.  Come and heat the life stories which led to this point of baptism.  Are you ready to be inspired, refreshed and challenged?  This evening service starts at 6.30 pm in Christ Church Juniors.  Refreshments at the end of the service.  All welcome.   Please note the venue change, usually our […]

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New Day Time Bible Course

March 12, 2018 3 pm

Ever wondered how the different parts of the Bible fit together? Struggled to understand how to interpret and use the Old Testament? Wished you were more Bible confident? Then the 8 week Day Time Bible Course is for you! Using excellent material from the Bible Society, Peter Misselbrook will host the course which is based […]

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