Posts by Anita Dobson

91100 of 172 items

New services pattern for April to June

We are so glad to be able to open our doors for an increasing range of services in church, plus live streamed services where possible. Sundays 9.15 am Traditional Worship at The Church Centre, Quakers Rd. Weekly, starting 4th April, with Communion on 2nd & 4th Sundays. “A caring community and traditional service.” 10.30 am […]

Jesus in the wilderness – a Lent Journey

This Lent we travel with Jesus as he went into the wilderness and began his ministry, to learn from him the way of simplicity, trust and closeness to his Father. The series is divided into different aspects of the journey Jesus took. It will offer us tools and inspiration for surviving and even thriving in […]

Honest Questions

Is it ok to have honest questions about God? The short answer is: Yes. Christians can sometimes feel that they are not meant to question God, or to get angry with him, or find parts of the Bible difficult. “Maybe if I have questions I don’t love God enough. Maybe there’s something wrong with my […]

Join us for prayer and praise on Zoom this Friday

To begin our One Church One Day 24 hours of prayer, join us on Zoom for the first hour at 7pm on Friday 2nd October. To get the link to join in this church family time of praying together, please email Diane Paddon at “Keep the fires burning” To sign up for an hour […]

Colour and Ponder

There’s been a craze for grown ups doing colouring over the last couple of years. I have found that colouring a Bible verse and doodling around it is a great way to meditate on what that verse means, and it holds my mind and emotions in a way that just reading can’t achieve for me. […]

Women’s Quiet Day postponed

Sadly, Mill House have asked us not to come on March 28th due to the virus. We have arranged a new date of Saturday 5th September. If you would like to come, please contact Anita Dobson 07753233950 You can find out more details from Anita or from the event post Those who were booked […]

Lord Teach us to Pray #Session 8: Spiritual Warfare

Ever feel like life and faith are one long battle field? It’s important to recognise that as Christians we ARE in a battle. A battle between good and evil. The war has already been won by the death and resurrection of Jesus – we ARE on the winning side- but there are still battles and […]

Lord Teach Us To Pray #Session 6: Unanswered Prayer

This was the one everyone has been waiting for, the most asked question and the stumbling block for many. How do we reconcile the promises of God with apparent evidence of unanswered prayers? How can God be all powerful and all good, and yet we have free will to influence events for good or evil? […]

Lord Teach Us To Pray #Session 5: Contemplation

I wonder whether you enjoy sitting still and soaking up the atmosphere, or whether you’re an activist who thinks a moment of rest is a moment wasted. Whatever our spiritual temperament, we can all benefit from learning to still ourselves and be more aware of God’s presence. In his sermon on 2/2/20 Jo Vickery described […]

Lord Teach Us To Pray #Session 4: Intercession

So much to pray for, so little time! You might feel overwhelmed by the amount of things in the world to pray for, or a bit guilty that you only tend to pray for your own needs and haven’t really thought about praying for others. Or you might feel that you want to pray, but […]