
161170 of 328 items

Easter Bunnies at Christ Church

The rain was pouring outside but in the Church it was warm and welcoming as we opened the doors to our lovely Parish Church to all ages for our Family Easter Afternoon Tea. There were scones & jam & cream, Easter biscuits, plant & cards stalls from the Stroke Recovery Gardening Group and the Monday […]

Defying the odds

It was hard to decide whether the magic tricks or the story of Rod Williams’ life being completely turned around was the more jaw dropping. On Friday 5th April we were treated to a spectacular display of magic by Rod Williams. Along the way he told his story of going off the rails as a […]

Annual report 2018-19 is now available online

Sunrise over the graveyard at Christ Church Downend

Find out what’s been happening in the life of Christ Church over the last 12 months in our annual report 2018-19 (Pdf, 1.5mb). If you would like a hard copy of the annual report please contact the Parish Office tel: (0117) 908 9867. Annual Parish Church meeting Our Annual Parish Church meeting is on Wednesday 10th April […]

Broken but Mended

How Messy Church broke pots and records for its Easter session #MessyChurch always likes to make a bit of a … well, obviously! The clue is in the name. But this month we had an especially smashing time as we discovered how God wants to mend his broken world; how he wants to mend broken […]

News from Moldova

An image of Pastor Misa and his family

The March newsletter (Pdf) from Misa Hiorescu in Ursoaia, Moldova

Neema Crafts

Ben and Katy from Neema Crafts and their children

Get right up to date with the March edition of the Neema Crafts’ newsletter (Pdf). Neema Crafts provides training and employment opportunities for over 120 people with disabilities in the Iringa region of Tanzania. Ben and Katy Ray are one of Christ Church’s mission partners. They clearly are in need of prayer as they face […]

One Church One Day

A movement to cover Bristol in prayer 24/7 365 days a year Imagine a wave of prayer gliding across the city and its outskirts day after day, night after night. The city’s people: the wealthy and the down on their luck; the successful and the despairing; those in health and those in sickness; those taking […]

Storms being calmed

Beautiful paintings of storms being calmed by our Sunday Connected + group. We know the one who can calm all the storms in our lives.

The Football & Faith Experiment

Want to get to Sunday Church and play football ? Children in years 4,5 & 6 at Primary School ? Well now you can do both. We are having a Football and Faith Experiment at Christ Church. Once a month some of our 6th form students will be hosting ball skills inside the Parish Hall […]

We are learning to retreat!

It seems that God has blessed us at Christ Church with a growing hunger to retreat. More and more of us are discovering the joy of getting away and setting time apart for meeting God in quiet. It’s easier than it looks! Many people say, “Oh I could never go on a retreat.” Try it. […]