Our next Family Worship in Church is on Sunday, 11 October.

Here’s the schedule for the next 2 months:

  • Sunday 4 October Zoom Worship at 4pm
  • Sunday 11 October in Church at 4pm
  • Sunday 18 October Zoom Worship at 4pm
  • Sunday 25 October in Church at 4pm
  • Sunday 1 November Zoom Worship at 4pm
  • Sunday 8 November in Church at 4pm
  • Sunday 15 November Zoom Worship at 4pm
  • Sunday 22 November in Church at 4pm
  • Sunday 29 November Zoom Worship at 4pm

In Church, tables will be set out, cafe style, spaced at 2m, to enable families to gather safely for worship.

This will be a short worship time, with adults and over 11s wearing face-coverings (unless they are exempt) with families sitting around tables.  There will be a small pot of playdoh on each table, which will be yours to take home and some colouring activities. 

Please can you book in if you are coming and give us an indication of how many chairs you’d like around your table. Some small ones may prefer to stay in a buggy or be on a lap.  Please book in by email to children@christchurchdownend.com by Saturday 6pm.

We have room for 15 families downstairs, and could fit another 4 families in the chancel (music group and font area). Upstairs will not really be appropriate for most families with younger children, but it could become an additional area if any families would prefer to be upstairs, (let us know, when booking, if this would suit you.)

Church Kit Bag: We would like to encourage you to gather some of these items if you have them and bring them in a “Church Bag”. Suggested items to bring include: a pencil case, a children’s Bible, a few small plastic people and animals if you have any, an instrument or shaker and/or  a silky scarf to wave, tissues, wipes, hand sanitiser. 

Worship will feel a little different to usual, there will be 2 songs, and we will be able to say the words, and / or do the actions, play an instrument or wave a scarf. Only the worship leader will be able to sing, but we will be together and God hears our whispers and knows what is in our hearts as we gather in His Name to express our love for Him.

Adults and over 11 year olds will be required to wear a face mask, unless they are exempt from wearing one. 

The Church has a one way system, you go in through the main double doors as per usual, and exit by the side door. There is hand sanitiser to use at both the entrance and exit and we will be keeping a list of attendees for track and trace purposes. The doors are kept open as are windows for ventilation. The toilets are in use, but the creche will not be in use.

We are alternating Sunday Family Worship at 4pm either in Church or on Zoom. If you haven’t tried our Zoom recently, we don’t mind what the children do,  there is something very precious about gathering together, singing our hearts out. It is just a short time together, but it feels like we really are together, worshipping our loving Father God.

If you have any specific questions do please get in touch with Helen Buick and if your plans change or anyone is poorly and you need to stay at home please do let us know too. It may mean we can fit in an additional family.

If anyone in your household is unwell we would ask you to not come into the Church, but do let us know so we can pray for you.