Jigsaw Toddlers get outdoors

From next Friday 18 September, we are going to meet in mini Jigsaws of 6 at 9.30am at King George V playing fields. We will build 6s as people sign up and each 6 will have a “place to gather”. If weather is iffy we will post any update on our dedicated facebook group by […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – September,October & November 2020

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people. Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible […]

Mission partners prayer – September 2020

These are the latest prayer requests received from our mission partners’ champions at Christ Church. Open Doors Please continue to pray for Syria, for a final end to the nine years war and a prompt return to normal life. Please pray for Iraq, that God in His mercy will remember them. Thanks to all Open […]

Make a difference where you are: a new sermon series for September

A new series For a Christian, there is no such thing as an ordinary day, an ordinary job, an ordinary life, or an ordinary street. There is certainly no such thing as an ordinary Christian! We believe that every one of us is placed in a unique position by God, each of us with the […]

Family Worship at 4pm

This Sunday we are having a Family Worship time on Zoom from 4-4.30pm. We are planning a child focused time which is for the whole family, with 3 songs, a short story time and some prayers. Moving forward we are going to alternate this zoom service with a similar 4pm worship time in Church the following Sunday. Questions […]

Coming together in worship

The Parish Church is well placed to accommodate a considerable number of worshippers both upstairs and on the ground floor whilst observing the social distancing protocol. Numbers have increased over the past couple of weeks, so it is now important we know who is coming so we need people to book in advance to be sure […]

Moving into a new season

Moving into a new season ‘Seasons come and seasons go; but my Jesus, he never change!’This opening line from a song by the Ugandan Choir who were with us earlier in the year are a vital reminder of the truth of God’s constant presence with us in all the uncertainty of life. So we continue […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – June/July 2020

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people. Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible […]

Worship at CCD this Sunday

A message from Rev Jo Vickery: Hi Everyone, At our 10.30 service at Christ Church this Sunday (Aug 9th) I will be launching our short series looking at themes very much in the headlines at the moment and asking where is God in all this?  The first will address the huge issue of Mental Health, […]

Study notes for Philippians 4:10-23

New generosity – Philippians 4:10-23 These notes accompany the sermon for Sunday, 2nd August 2020. This passage contains some of the most well-known promises in the Bible as Paul outlines the 3 way blessing of generous giving. Blessing others  (vs 10-16) The sacrificial giving of the Philippian church has brought great joy to Paul (v10), […]