Valuing the Week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown, Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness. This week, Jo and Shahne’s update includes details about the church reopening for private prayer. From now on their update […]

Christ Church Opening Up …. again!!

We are so thankful that places of worship across the nation are going to be allowed to open their doors for individual prayer from Monday 15th June. The guidance now also includes permission to hold funerals in church, all under the social distancing regulations of course. We are still awaiting news on weddings. Therefore, Christ […]

Learning to live the New Life in a New Normal

Philippians –  New Life for a new reality: Paul’s letter to the Philippians Jesus’ last words to his small group of friends before he returned to heaven were: ‘Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of (literally into the life of) the Father and of the Son and of the […]

George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests

Many of us will have been following the stories on the news and over social media and have been overwhelmed with feelings of disbelief and horror. But for others of us the feelings may be that this all too familiar and are all too believable, and these feelings are replaced by pain and anger. When […]

Valuing the Week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness!

Coronavirus – doing church differently

The Christ Church team is regularly reviewing the latest guidance from the government, and Church of England to determine when it might be possible to safely re-open our parish halls and church building. Things will undoubtedly be different, but this crisis is enabling us to look at our mission and ministry afresh trusting in our sovereign God to […]

You are welcome at Christ Church

The congregation of Christ Church Downend groupshot

Although we are not holding any public events or meeting in our church buildings at the moment, we hope you will be able to get a flavour of Christ Church from our new welcome booklet (Pdf). We look forward to being able to welcome you in person when normal activities resume.

Messy Church at Home Week 4 How to Pray

#messychurch has moved to #messychurchathome and we have started sharing 4 or 5 clips each week to both the Christ Church Downend YouTube channel and also to the facebook page. Scroll to the end of this post for all our printable pdfs. Monday 10am Messy Cooking Tuesday 10am Messy Bible Story Wednesday 10am Messy […]

24/7 Prayer, an update from Ben and Katy

Ben and Katy from Neema Crafts and their children

It was so lovely to be able to pray for the folk at Christ Church and gave us a much closer sense of connection to your church family. I was lifting Paul up in prayer particularly, but also the young people and your various youth programs. It was great to tune in to a couple […]

Valuing the Week – with Jo & Shahne

Each Saturday during the lockdown, Rev Jo and Shahne Vickery give us an update on news in our church family but also share stories of how our church values of Thankfulness, Graciousness, Openness and Prayerfulness!