Lord Teach Us To Pray #Session 4: Intercession

So much to pray for, so little time! You might feel overwhelmed by the amount of things in the world to pray for, or a bit guilty that you only tend to pray for your own needs and haven’t really thought about praying for others. Or you might feel that you want to pray, but […]

Find Peace as you step into Christ Church this week

How could this happen ? Come in and drink in the stillness, pray in different ways, and soak in the presence of God. How ? We set out 17 prayer stations for our Sunday evening Spirit Space and then thought, why don’t we leave them up all week for others to enjoy. Puzzled? What on […]

A growing community

Youth from Christ Church litter picking

Have you been looking around lately and wondering who all the new faces are? Each year in January we submit various figures to the Diocese of Bristol so that they can see what’s going on in each church and compare year on year. Is it growing? Shrinking? Is the demographic changing? While the figures don’t […]

#Lord Teach us to Pray Session 3: Petition

Petition simply means asking. Asking God for things that we need, asking him for help. This is the simplest form of prayer and also the most natural. We don’t need to discount it, however. What could be more natural for a loving parent than to meet the needs and hear the deepest cries of the […]

#Lord Teach us to Pray 2: Adore

Prayer isn’t just about asking God for stuff. It’s good to pause first and be aware of his presence. To thank God for who he is. Here are the tools for Session #2: try one or two out and you may discover a whole new world of prayer that suits you. http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/4-2-Breath-Prayer.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/5-How-to-Pray-the-Psalms.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/6-How-to-Practise-Christian-Meditation.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/7-How-to-Pray-Creatively.pdf […]

January 2020 Newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

An image of Pastor Misa and his family

We have received the January 2020 newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project. Pastor Misa Writes: We greet you with the Lord’s peace, dear brothers and sisters from Great Britain. We […]

Messy Church steps into 2020

Fun, mess & faith with friends. Come and enjoy a couple of hours of fun where the children get to make mess, we all hear some words of faith & then we share a hot meal together. Find our Messy Church at Christ Church facebook page to see photos of what we do ! Join […]

Lord, teach us to Pray toolbox

Here are the useful tools for prayer, from Session 1 of Lord, Teach us to Pray series, and the first session guide. How to have a Quiet Time, How to pray the Lord’s Prayer, and How to pray the Examen. http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/session1_why_pray_study_guide.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tool-1-How-to-Pray-the-Lords-Prayer.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tool-2-How-to-have-a-Quiet-Time.pdf http://christchurchdownend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Tool-3-How-to-Pray-the-Examen.pdf

Shop at Co-op to help fund our Ignite Youth Group

Our Ignite Youth Group has been chosen as one of the Co-op’s Local Causes for 2020. You can help to increase the size of the donation by becoming a member and shopping at the Co-op. Here’s how it works: every time members shop at the Co-op, 1% of what they spend on selected, own-brand products […]

Lord, teach us to pray

We probably all pray at moments of crisis, and we don’t worry much how we do it then! Prayer can be so much richer and deeper than that, and our souls long to connect with God, even if we don’t yet recognise that longing. But HOW? To start 2020 we will look in our services, […]