What’s it like to be a Youth Leader?

Maria, one of our youth leaders at Christ Church Downend writes a heartfelt message about what it means to her to serve God in this exciting way…. I scratched my head and wonder why ?  Well why not? I volunteer as a youth leader at Christ Church Downend and I enjoy every single minute. After retirement […]

Grants Received! Let’s Celebrate!

We owe a big thanks to All Churches Trust who have given us a grant for £11,000 and Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust who have given us £5,000 to support the Building4Life project. We also thank the Christ Church B4L team for their dedication and commitment to the project and applying for grants. Allchurches Trust support the […]

Could you be a CAP befriender?

In this latest blog post Leyla Fellows, our new CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Manager shares her experience as a befriender and the joy and flexibilty of serving in this way. Before taking on the role of Debt Centre Manager, I worked with Jane White for over a year as a befriender.  A befriender is someone […]

Building 4 Life Photo update

Here are the latest pictures from the Building 4 Life project taken in June. You can see them as a jpeg here or there is an attached PDF.Building pictures June 2018 All the pictures from our Building Project can be accessed online via our Facebook album Thank you to Rory from Hart Design Construction for these […]

Have you had “the talk” yet?

Sticky Faith Challenge #1:Here’s a challenge to you. Have “the talk” with God in your prayers, and have “the talk” with your partner if there are two of you parenting. Have “the talk” soon, before it becomes an issue, so that you have already decided how you will respond. Then you will be ready one […]

May 2018 Newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu

Misa holding a service in Moldova

We have received the May 2018 newsletter from Pastor Misa Hiorescu in Moldova. Christ Church members supported the building of the church where he is the pastor through a tithe gift taken from donations to the Building4Life project. Pastor Misa writes: The Lord’s peace, dear brothers. I’m happy to be able to write to you […]

Announcing our new Diocesan Bishop

The Very Revd Vivienne Faull

I am delighted to let you know that The Very Revd Vivienne Faull (@vivfaull), currently Dean of York, has today been announced as the 57th Bishop of Bristol. Bishop Designate Viv, brings great experience of ministry in the Church of England to her new role. When appointed to Leicester Cathedral, she was the first ordained woman […]

Laura Green’s bike ride to Paris

A message from Laura: “For those of you who don’t know I have decided to cycle to Paris on the 4th-8th May (430 km in 4 days) to raise money for a new 3D ultrasound machine for St Michael’s hospital,  This will help diagnose and monitor babies during pregnancy better.  If anyone would like to […]

The 2018/2019 Growing Leaders Course

Line of young people standing on a beach holding hands at sunset

A series of ten sessions in 2018 / 2019 held at St Michael’s Centre, Stoke Gifford & St Nicholas, Yate. The Growing Leaders course focuses on developing leaders across the life of the church, and provides practical resources for running a leadership development process over a year. Now used by hundreds of churches across Britain […]