Parish Weekend Away

Weekend Away Launch Bookings are now open for the Christ Church weekend away which will be on 27th – 29th September 2024. Full details can be viewed here: Lee Abbey 2024 Brochure  Places will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Double Ensuite Rooms have now been fully booked  but there are options […]

OCOD – 24hr prayer – October

The opportunity for us to turn to the Lord in prayer together for a full 24 hours is just a week away. One Church One Day begins 7pm next Friday 6th October and comes to a close 7pm Saturday 7th. At a time of Harvest, when we focus upon Creation and all God’s provision, we […]

Christ Church Downend Mission Support 2024-2026

Christ Church seeks to be generous in its support of various mission agencies and currently supports 6 projects financially through a tithe on our income from people’s giving. These are an Indian Orphanage, the local CAP Centre, Misha Hiorescu’s ministry in Moldova, Ben and Katy Ray in Tanzania, Open Doors working with persecuted believers across […]

CCD Youth and Unicorn Fest

Great to see that our Youth Group were asked by the Parish Council to look after ‘Gracie’ as part of Bristol Unicornfest and also featured in the recent edition of Downend Voice. Unicornfest, part of the 650th anniversary celebrations for Bristol, seeks to unite the business and creative sectors, as well as local communities and […]

One Church One Day Reflections – August 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, How wonderful it was to unite in prayer again this month, at least 39 of us praying ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.’ Wonderful to be led in prayer at Prayer & Praise by Gary for our mission partners Ben and Katy, and to be led in prayer […]

South Tower Update

Many of you will have noticed the scaffolding going up around the South Tower in the last month. After the ‘Quinquennial inspection’, 5 yearly building inspection. The church was instructed to have a structural engineers report, which revealed the problem with the South Tower. This report uncovered that some masonry had become loose and needed […]