Summer Reading Ideas

A friend sent me these ideas for summer reading. Why not enjoy a good book which will also enrich your faith. Enjoy!  

The Unyielding Beacon of Hope

The Unyielding Beacon of Hope in a World of Chaos and Destruction Hope in the Face of Adversity: The Bible is replete with accounts of individuals who clung to hope in the midst of overwhelming challenges. From the faith of Abraham, who hoped against hope for the fulfilment of God’s promises, to the endurance of […]

Christ Church Monthly News – July 2023

…..What’s on and when, how to join in and what to pray for…. Click for the latest news of what is happening at Christ Church Downend – Christ Church Monthly News July 2023 (pdf, 401kb)    

The Act of Giving

Line of people holding hands against a sunset

“There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and bought the proceeds of what was sold and laid at the apostle’s feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need” Acts 4 34 & 35. Recently Dan mentioned a wonderful charity […]

Christ Church Downend Monthly News – June 2023

…..What’s on and when, how to join in and what to pray for…. Click for the latest news of what is happening at Christ Church Downend – Christ Church Monthly News June 2023 (pdf, 401kb)

Christ Church Team Commissioning, APCM and shared lunch – Sunday 21st May

Sunday 21st May will be a special day in our church’s life. There will be just one morning service at 10.30 on that day, as the new leadership team is commissioned. Following the service we’ll be holding our APCM at midday which provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months at Christ Church and […]

500 words for Lent

Remember our “Bread for Today” reflections during lockdown, where many members of the congregation shared a thought for the day? We would like to do something a little bit similar through Lent, and we would love you to take part! What Bible verse or passage inspires you in your daily life? What have you learnt […]

Getting There: reflections on moving forward

Mark Tanner, our new volunteer Debt Coach, Quiz master and writer, shares some thoughts on preparing for pursuing new goals in our lives. There’s an interesting question that I’ve been asked many times in my coaching career, which centres around achieving a goal. Whether that be losing weight, giving something up for Lent or adding […]