A new series

For a Christian, there is no such thing as an ordinary day, an ordinary job, an ordinary life, or an ordinary street. There is certainly no such thing as an ordinary Christian!

We believe that every one of us is placed in a unique position by God, each of us with the skills, experiences, circumstances, strengths and weaknesses he has given and grown in us in order that we might make a difference where we are. Not because we are highly trained, superhuman or immensely influential, but because the Lord of heaven and earth lives in us and believes in us and works through us. He turns the “ordinary” little actions and prayers of our day into powerful advances of his kingdom, so that where we live and work and play and rest become places where the life of the Risen Christ can be seen and even experienced.

Through this 8 week series we pray that everyone at Christ Church will be reminded of, or discover for the first time, the things God is calling them to do and to be in their homes, workplaces, neighbourhoods, families and leisure settings –the “frontlines” that he has placed them on. We will be able to re-evaluate our frontlines in the current circumstances. What new opportunities and challenges are there? Have we found ourselves on new or more significant frontlines?

We will seek to recognise, value and pray for each other’s ministry: for that is what our daily life with God is. We will be able to celebrate where God has been at work in our ordinary stories and pray for more fruitfulness to come.

We will look at examples in the scriptures of ordinary people being used by God, and discern Biblical principles for living. We will hear stories of people around the UK, gathered in a book by Mark Greene from LICC called “The One About…” (Volume 2) We are gathering our own collection of stories of how God is using us already, and identifying inspiration for prayer for what God will do through us in the future.

The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) has helpfully coined 6 phrases beginning with M (The 6Ms) that help us to see how we can make a difference where we are:

  • Making good work
  • Ministering love and grace
  • Moulding culture
  • Messenger of the gospel
  • Mouthpiece for truth and justice
  • Modelling godly character

For those who did the series “Fruitfulness on the Frontline” a few years ago, it will be a helpful refresher and a chance to look back and see what God has done, and how their calling has changed or strengthened over recent years. Others who come new to the idea of God wanting to work through them each day will be able to see a whole new world of possibilities opening up and grow in their sense of purpose as a person ‘called by God’.

Books and other resources

You may find these books and resources helpful as we start our new series about everyday life and the part we can each play in sharing God’s love and God’s ways wherever we’ve been placed.

“The One About… Volume II” by Mark Greene, is our main resource and can be found at LICC’s website. We will provide a copy for each Life Group leader.

Everyday Faith -Reflections and Prayers to help you find God in everyday life” by Nick Shepherd, Mark Greene & Rachel Treweek. In this short book are stories of people living out their faith in ordinary places, and useful prayers at the start to use as the basis for your own daily mission. There is also a helpful Prayer of Examen to do at the end of the day, which will help you to notice where God was at work and give thanks.

You can also read and watch more stories on the “Everyday Faith” section of the Church of England website:

These resources were made after the Church of England officially embraced the principles of Whole Life Discipleship and many of the ideas of LICC that we have been using for the last few years, which is an exciting development.

What and when?

6th September: Love where you live (Col 1:9-14). We can all make a difference where we are as we realise we are all God’s mission partners.

13th September: Notice where you’re led (Acts 3:1-10). Be attentive to where God is leading you to pray and focus during your day.

20th September: Share who you are (John 4: 1-26 and 39-42). We can be open with others about what makes us who we are, including how our faith helps us.

27th September: Do what you can do (John 6:1-13). We can use what skills and opportunities we have to bless others, and God will use them, even if they seem insignificant to us.

4th October: CAP Sunday: the multiplier effect (John 6:1-13).

11th October: Plan how you live (2 Cor 5: 11-21). We can live intentionally, looking for opportunities, praying and considering how we might bless others each day.

18th October: Your mission is our mission (Colossians 4: 2-6). “The Church” is already active in mission, through you. Where are you ministering? How can we pray for you and support you?

25th October: Influence who you can (2 Kings 5: 1-19). Wherever you’ve been placed you can influence the atmosphere and the lives of individuals.

1st November (All Saints Day): Be intentional (Matthew 16:21-26). Live in line with God’s purpose.

8th November: Incarnational living (Philippians 1:3-11). Being the presence of Jesus in tough places

15th November: Share what you’ve been given (Acts 17:16-34). Being a messenger of the gospel is something we can all do in our daily lives.