PLANET  EARTH is in deep trouble. “God so loved the world, and everything in it, that he sent his son….” Christmas is coming- but don’t forget the CLIMATE  EMERGENCY.  Please think before you shop. Do they/ you,  really need that?  Christians were called to live counter- culturally.          Let’s pull together:  Lets cut the plastic….. Cut the Carbon…..Cut the ‘Mass’  out of Christ (mas). “True happiness- ain’t to be found in buying more stuff! It comes from- love & laughter between friends & family.  Stay humble. Live simply -for others to simply live,” Geoff Payne, one of our Christ Church congregation & a Climate change & Eco- living champion. (Are you one too?)

You may like to watch this film called Laudato Si which is an animation of a letter from Pope Francis about how we look after our world. Pope Francis has a masters degree in Chemistry, and takes notice of all the Climate change reports from the IPCC ( International Panel on Climate change).  His letter sums up the problems – but shows us how to reduce our carbon emissions etc. by simple every day actions.

There’s a very useful facebook group if you are interested in sharing ideas on reducing the plastics we use, it’s called Plastic Less Living and was set up in Lent 2018 by a group of Christians. This group now has nearly 5000 members

Geoff currently takes our plastic bag collections from Church to the local Tesco’s at Staple Hill. If you are able to take your own plastic directly to Tesco’s please do as this will help relieve the large bags of bags in Church, but Geoff will continue to deliver plastic recycling for us too. Thank you Geoff