We would love your help to show love to our local community this May Day Bank Holiday weekend (4th-6th May 2024)! This will be our 12th year of volunteering to be part of The Noise, a city-wide weekend of churches showing God’s love in practical ways by serving in our communities. We are planning to do some rubbish clearance, put on a Free Afternoon Cream Tea for senior Citizens (with entertainment), and run a Free Family Fun Day with BBQ. Last year we had over 35 of our church taking part.
All are welcome; individuals and families. Practically, it’s a big task and It really helps us if you get registered early, so please don’t leave it to the last minute.
There is a small cost involved to cover insurance and for an iconic blue t-shirt. The cost is:
Adult and secondary school aged volunteers – £7 per person
Primary school aged volunteers – £3 per person
There is a subsidised early sign up price of £1 for children/£3 per adult/youth (subsidised by the Youth Group).
Please speak to Diane or Gary if you would like to sign up.