Anita Dobson, Head of Discipleship for all ages ministry

Anita Dobson, Head of Discipleship for all ages ministry

Rhythm of Life: Getting spiritually fitter!

Starting in Lent 2024 we are using a variety of spiritual practices to grow our love for God and to get spiritually “fitter” by adopting some healthy spiritual habits. Follow the link below to find out which habits we are using each month and how to get involved. There’s a sign up slip at the bottom of the programme. If you’re up for the challenge, and would like to sign up, you can either use the QR code to fill out the online form, or download, print, fill out the form and bring the slip to church. It will be great to walk together in faith and experience this together!

Our Practice for June & July is Learning, and our challenge is to read a book of the bible this month.

Watch Peter Misselbrook explaining the riches of this spiritual practice:

Rhythm of Life Learning June (2)

Pick up a new leaflet at church or download from the website here:


Our Practice for April and May is Worship and Adoration, and we are encouraging you to use a method of silent prayer called the Breath Prayer.

See Paul’s introduction – mind, there is some deliberate silence at the start!!


Here is an instruction sheet with guidelines you can follow.

Our first Practice was Confession, and the challenge for Feb/ March was to Use the Prayer of Examen daily.

You can still join in any time. Here is an example of the Prayer of Examen and some guidelines you could follow.


More Resources for Rhythm of Life:

(Most of these books will be in our church library: please ask!)

Grieg, Pete (2019) How To Pray. London: Hodder & Stoughton

Macchia, Stephen (2012) Crafting a Rule of Life. London: IVP

Tomlin, Graham (2006) Spiritual Fitness. London: Continuum

Richard Foster (1989) Celebration of Discipline.  London: Hodder & Stoughton


Confession, Repentance and the Prayer of Examen


Cleverly, Charlie (2002) The Discipline of Intimacy. Eastbourne: Kingsway Chapter 3 The Discipline of Repentance

Silf, Margaret (2003) Taste and See. London: Darton, Longman & Todd Chapter 8: Action Replay

Ackerman Link, Julie (2017) 100 Prayers: Inspired by the Psalms. Michigan: Discovery House

Worship & Adoration

Grieg, Pete (2019) How To Pray. London: Hodder & Stoughton Chapter

Silf, Margaret (2003) Taste and See. London: Darton, Longman & Todd Chapters 2,3

Resound Worship album by amateur and professional songwriters steeped in Biblical content, particularly on the psalms, on the themes of lament and hope available here:

Welch, Sally Journey to Contentment (BRF 2020)

Murray, Andrew Waiting on God (Rickfords Hill 2015)

Williams, Rowan Silence and Honey Cakes (Lion Hudson 2004)


What’s your next step?

We believe that everyone, no matter how young or old, and no matter where they are on the journey of faith, can take the next step to draw closer to God.

We also believe that there are many ways to take next steps, and many ways to grow into the fullness of life Jesus brings.

Here are some of them:

Life groups

Home groups

Usually a mid-week gatherings of 8-12 people that acts as ‘church in small’. We encourage everyone to be part of a home group. They create a sense of community where people feel they belong and are cared and prayed for; they are an environment where faith can be explored and deepened in the context of every day life; they have the potential for transforming action as people get involved in local and global challenges. As stories are shared, relationships are built.

Prayer triplets and quads

Some people find they work better in smaller groups, as they can be more confidential. Many of our community are in prayer triplets or quads meeting in a variety of places and times to reflect and pray together.

Discipleship triads

Some enjoy a chance to really apply the Bible to their lives in an accountable way. Discipleship triads typically aim to split and form three new triads after a year.

Other ways to take a next step

Everyone is different in the ways they respond to God. For some, it’s serving in some way in the church or community. For others, reading and private study. For others, trying out new spiritual disciplines or a new way of worshipping. Some find growth through creativity, through prayer times, retreat days or prayer ministry.

Just ask!

More information

If you need more information please contact