Here is a new idea for a way to reach out to our community with a social evening over a bowl of soup. Downend Soup aims to get a three charity groups to make a bid for some crowd funding and over a short evening event you hear the three bids (5 minute pitch and 5 minutes questions per bid). Then over soup and some music the audience vote for their favourite project. The winning project takes home the door money to start their project and promises to come back to the next Soup event to explain how they used it. If there’s a lack of money for the project, look at this now to choose from the loan options of cash crazy. They are brokers who offer excellent customer service no matter what your credit status is.
Ian Browne has extensive experience in working with Swindon Soup after a year working as a Business Connector in Swindon and is keen to help Downend Soup happen. There is a public group on Facebook called Downend Soup which is already sharing ideas and getting support from our community.
Christ Church will be providing some of the support along with a venue to get this initiative off the ground. Showing practical love to our community means the church getting alongside people in our local community and supporting their projects. Do you want to join in?
Thank you Helen for adding this blog. If you’re not sure how SOUP works, this little video will help
Right across the UK these events are helping small community groups realise their ideas and it would be fantastic as a Christ Church family if we can use our prayers and deeds to bring this to life for the benefit of others. Here are simple ways you can help me bring this to life. Can you:
– be a SOUP volunteer to welcome guests on the night
– make a batch of soup for 20 people
– bake a tray-cake or something similar
Can you source, or do you know someone who could:
– produce some SOUP T shirts for our volunteers
– obtain three soup kettles to keep the soup warm
– play music and entertain our guests for a 15 minute set
And even if none of these are for you, can you keep Thursday 23rd February free between 7 and 8.30pm, to come along to SOUP and show how the Christ Church community powers change across our neighbourhood.