A series of ten sessions in 2018 / 2019 held at St Michael’s Centre, Stoke Gifford & St Nicholas, Yate.
The Growing Leaders course focuses on developing leaders across the life of the church, and provides practical resources for running a leadership development process over a year.
Now used by hundreds of churches across Britain and the Republic of Ireland, Growing Leaders has been a part of the development of thousands of leaders.
As one participant said: ‘I am now so much more confident of what it means to be a Christian leader, and so much better equipped to lead.’
Anyone in any leadership role within the local church or workplace can come along. For example…
- Leaders of people in the workplace.
- Innovators and entrepreneurs.
- Lent courses, Cell groups, small groups, home groups.
- Children’s work leaders.
- Social projects.
- Toddler group.
- Prayer ministry teams.
- Young people’s work.
- Churchwardens, leadership teams.
- PCC/church council/ Committee members.
If you would like to know more, there is a course leaflet and you could speak to Jo or Paul.
There will be a Taster Session on Saturday 30th June for anyone who is thinking of becoming more involved in leadership of any kind and there will be testimonies from those who were on the course last year.