Posts by Elissa Murphy

2130 of 33 items

Prayer Life Newsletter – December 2020/January& February 2021

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people.Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible passage […]

APCM and Gift Day – Sunday 18th October

Our Annual Church meeting had to be postponed back in April, and the diocese granted us permission to re-schedule it in the Autumn. This meeting will now be held at Christ Church (barring changes to covid regulations) on Sunday 18th October at 11.40am (after the morning service). This timing should ensure the maximum number of […]

Prayer Life Newsletter – September,October & November 2020

Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people. Ephesians 6. 18 Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible […]

Coming together in worship

The Parish Church is well placed to accommodate a considerable number of worshippers both upstairs and on the ground floor whilst observing the social distancing protocol. Numbers have increased over the past couple of weeks, so it is now important we know who is coming so we need people to book in advance to be sure […]

Moving into a new season

Moving into a new season ‘Seasons come and seasons go; but my Jesus, he never change!’This opening line from a song by the Ugandan Choir who were with us earlier in the year are a vital reminder of the truth of God’s constant presence with us in all the uncertainty of life. So we continue […]

Thank you from Dihlabeng Christian School

We’ve received a letter of thanks from Margaret and the Dihlabeng Christian School Team which you can read here. Letter of Thanks (pdf, 1380kb) If you want to know more, please get in touch with Bill & Sheila Robbins our Christ Church Mission Champions for Clarens or take a look at the Dihlabeng School facebook page.

Latest News from Dihlabeng Christian School

Feeding scheme news, appeal for child sponsors, special educational needs and sports facility provision news and more. Here is the Newsletter No. 23 June 2018 for the Dihlabeng Christian School in Clarens, South Africa.  Here is the update on the Feeding Scheme Newsletter June 2018  . Click Sponsor Needs 2018 to find out more about the […]

What’s it like to be a Youth Leader?

Maria, one of our youth leaders at Christ Church Downend writes a heartfelt message about what it means to her to serve God in this exciting way…. I scratched my head and wonder why ?  Well why not? I volunteer as a youth leader at Christ Church Downend and I enjoy every single minute. After retirement […]

Grants Received! Let’s Celebrate!

We owe a big thanks to All Churches Trust who have given us a grant for £11,000 and Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust who have given us £5,000 to support the Building4Life project. We also thank the Christ Church B4L team for their dedication and commitment to the project and applying for grants. Allchurches Trust support the […]

Could you be a CAP befriender?

In this latest blog post Leyla Fellows, our new CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Manager shares her experience as a befriender and the joy and flexibilty of serving in this way. Before taking on the role of Debt Centre Manager, I worked with Jane White for over a year as a befriender.  A befriender is someone […]