Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…. Be alert and always keep on praying for all God’s people.

Ephesians 6. 18

Opportunities for prayer with others, to which all are welcome

Mondays at 9.15 – 9.45am Morning Prayer

A simple form of prayer and reflection on a Bible passage following the Church of England’s liturgical year. Each week 4 members of our church family are remembered in prayer, responding to specific needs they have highlighted. If you are able to use Zoom then this is the link:

Wednesdays 7am – 7.30am #ThyKingdomCome prayer

Open prayer for the issues facing our society and the needs of our world. If you are able to use Zoom then this is the link.

Prayer chain

If you have a specific prayer request you can have it included on the prayer chain via Mary Freestone: or 0117 9566630. These requests will be circulated to a number of trusted church members who will hold them in prayer before the Lord…. and then rejoice as prayer is answered!

Prayer and care

Requests for prayer and practical support can be given to our Care Co-ordinators on


  • Pray for creativity as we work out what mission looks like in a very different climate. How do we meaningfully engage with the wider community and share the love of Jesus in word and action?
  • Pray for our mission partners across the world – not just for their daily work, but also for their families and for their own personal wellbeing.
  • Pray for our Community Chaplain Kathy Prosser as she begins her training at Sarum College and continues to oversee our ministry with care homes in the parish alongside other team members.
  • Pray for our local community where there is so much uncertainty, sadness and loss. May the church and Christ’s followers be beacons of hope in these challenging times.

Anita Dobson:


  • Please Give thanks for the 30 Young People who came along to the Zoom Flourish and Courage wellbeing courses that we ran over the summer.
  • Please give thanks for the Zoom Youth Team Bible Studies throughout lockdown and for the way that the Team has grown in faith and strengthened in relationships with each other as we have supported each other. We pray especially for the Pound family. Give thanks for Luke Paddon (Y13) who is joining the Youth Team.
  • Please pray God’s protection over our Young People as they return back to school. Pray especially for the Y11 (GCSE) students and Y13 (A-Level) students as they face the most significant years whilst dealing with the disruption. 
  • Please pray for the Youth Team as we train to deliver Kintsugi Hope wellbeing courses which are for youth and adults. Give thanks that Downend School is keen to have our Team return to support the students. We thank the Lord for opening these doors. 

Diane Paddon:

Leadership Development and Worship

Thanksgiving and Answered Prayer

  • For the phased return to gathering for worship in church now at 9.15 am Church Centre, 10.30 am Parish Church, 4pm Family Worship and 8pm Night Prayer

Significant Events

  •  New Series: ‘Making a difference where you are’ – that we may learn to see God at work in the everyday events of life, and rejoice in his presence with us always. 

Specific Needs

  • That we might increasingly turn to the Lord in dependent and confident prayer and heartfelt worship whatever our circumstances

Rev Jo Vickery:

Resources – finance, staffing and governance

  • Pray for the Giving4Life team as they begin the process of setting a realistic budget for 2021, with all of the uncertainties around. A major challenge has been the loss of rental income from our halls, which would be exacerbated by further lockdowns.
  • Pray for ministry heads and staff team members as they re-imagine their roles in the light of the coronavirus pandemic. Pray for resilience, faith and creativity. 
  • We are in the process of seeking a re-financing loan to enable us to better service the amount outstanding from the Building4Life Project. At a time when lenders are tightening loan criteria, pray for wisdom and for God’s favour.

Paul Peterson:

Mission and Outreach

  • Pray for creativity as we work out what mission looks like in a very different climate. How do we meaningfully engage with the wider community and share the love of Jesus in word and action?
  • Pray for our mission partners across the world – not just for their daily work, but also for their families and for their own personal wellbeing.
  • Pray for our Community Chaplain Kathy Prosser as she begins her training at Sarum College and continues to oversee our ministry with care homes in the parish alongside other team members.
  • Pray for our local community where there is so much uncertainty, sadness and loss. May the church and Christ’s followers be beacons of hope in these challenging times.

Paul Peterson:


  • Please pray for our Christ Church Families as children return to school, parents to work & many to routines.  Pray for wisdom for schools, teachers, children and parents, as we all navigate and put into practice COVID-19 safety measures. Pray for those worried about jobs, finances, travel/commuting & good health. 
  •  Pray for our Children’s Church. As we navigate the next few months and work out how / if / when we can do Church together for families.  Lord, please help us to make plans which honour your name and help our families to worship and grow in their faith.  Help us to be wise as we adjust to what is possible. 
  •  Pray for faith in our homes. May faith flourish in our children and may parents pass on their faith to their children in new, confident and dynamic ways. We pray that the faith of our families would grow and become a lasting legacy from these months of lockdown.

Helen Buick:

Christians Against Poverty

  • For the successful roll-out of our Schools Partnership Project.  For the building of good relationships with schools and families as well as a smooth system for ordering and distributing food parcels.
  • For all those people who are struggling with debt but who are waiting for us to be able to offer home visits again.  That they may receive help and advice to tide them over during this difficult time. Pray that hope remains alive in their hearts.
  • For continued Foodbank donations for our existing clients and that we’d be able to continue providing food to those in need.

Leyla Fellows: