Moving into a new season

‘Seasons come and seasons go; but my Jesus, he never change!’
This opening line from a song by the Ugandan Choir who were with us earlier in the year are a vital reminder of the truth of God’s constant presence with us in all the uncertainty of life. So we continue to place prayer and worship at the centre of our lives as the autumn comes and new opportunities gradually open up.

Thanks to the dedication of so many, we can continue to worship through a blend of live and online services. And now, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, there will be an act of worship at 9.15am at the Church Centre, Quakers Road. At 10.30, we will welcome back a small number of our worship band to lead us live in the Parish Church as we begin a new series for the autumn term (see below). Our simple act of Night Prayer at 8pm is proving to be a very special way of ending the day for many.

On Friday 4th September we have the opportunity as a whole church to join together again in our monthly time of prayer over 24 hours beginning at 7pm. Details of how to sign up for slot and all kinds of resources to use are on our website.  Click here to view.

Whatever we are facing in the days ahead, may we seek the grace of God to ‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.’  Romans 12; 12

Make a difference where you are – new series for September

For a Christian, there is no such thing as an ordinary day, an ordinary job, an ordinary life, or an ordinary street. There is certainly no such thing as an ordinary Christian!

We believe that every one of us is placed in a unique position by God, each of us with the skills, experiences, circumstances, strengths and weaknesses he has given and grown in us in order that we might make a difference where we are. Not because we are highly trained, superhuman or immensely influential, but because the Lord of heaven and earth lives in us and believes in us and works through us.  He turns the “ordinary” little actions and prayers of our day into powerful advances of his kingdom, so that where we live and work and play and rest become places where the life of the Risen Christ can be seen and even experienced.

Through this 8 week series we pray that everyone at Christ Church will be reminded of, or discover for the first time, the things God is calling them to do and to be in their homes, workplaces, neighbourhoods, families and leisure settings – the “frontlines” that he has placed them on. We will be able to re- evaluate our frontlines in the current circumstances. What new opportunities and challenges are there?  Have we found ourselves on new or more significant frontlines?

We will seek to recognise, value and pray for each other’s ministry: for that is what our daily life with God is. We will be able to celebrate where God has been at work in our ordinary stories and pray for more fruitfulness to come.

We will look at examples in the scriptures of ordinary people being used by God, and discern Biblical principles for living.  We will hear stories of people around the UK, gathered in a book by Mark Greene from LICC called “The One About…” (Vol. 2)  We are gathering our own collection of stories of how God is using us already, and identifying inspiration for prayer for what God will do through us in the future.

Click on link for more details of the series and come on this journey of discovery Making a difference where you are.