Posts by Anita Dobson

131140 of 172 items

Messy but Marvellous

Messy Church at Christ Church Downend has just completed another term. Another 3 months of getting sticky, getting together and getting to know God better. That’s 210 meals served, 215 craft items made, 3 incredibly ear wormy worship action songs, 5 or 6 very tired washer uppers, and 20, 0050 bits of glitter. (All figures […]

How far we’ve come

Or… what happened to that questionnaire we filled in back in January?! That questionnaire…  On 6th January and the following Thursday communion, those attending services filled out a questionnaire about the vision of the church. The aim of it was to assess how far we have managed to embed and take on board the ideas […]

Journey to the Cross- our Good Friday community walk

When we can’t carry on as normal, it makes us stop and think, doesn’t it. For several years on Good Friday morning we have enjoyed the peace of the churchyard for our reflections.  The crosses and tomb in the Spiritual Garden have provided our focal point.  This year they are hidden behind fencing and builders’ […]

Power of Being Prayed For

Line of people holding hands against a sunset

Have you discovered the power of being prayed for? We often encourage people from the front or in written articles to pray, but we don’t often encourage people to get prayed for. This is just as important, vital though having our own communication with God is as an open channel. We can also receive much […]

The New Drug

Think that porn isn’t a problem in the church? Think that it’s only a problem for men? Think that your child’s not going to be exposed to any porn because you have filters? Think that there’s nothing damaging about occasional use of porn: it’s natural, right? Think that your problem is too shameful to ever […]

Christ Church Needs You!

Imagine those war time posters with the big finger pointing straight out at you! The image reminds us that each one of us counts, that we are all part Team Christ and therefore Team Christ Church, our local part of His body. By serving, we become more like Christ the Servant King, so if you […]

How far have we come?

In Advent 2012 we launched the church’s vision, Learning to Live the Life, reminding us that we are on a journey of learning to be disciples of Jesus and to make disciples for him, as he commanded in the Great Commission. After 5 years it’s time to review how far people feel they understand the […]

Moving Out Timetable

Here’s your quick guide to the events and services at Christ Church that are moving, when they move and where to. For more information ask at the Parish Office. Moving Out Timetable2  

Church on the Move

You may have heard the rumours that Christ Church Downend is on the move! The community of Christians who call ourselves the family of Christ Church will still be here, worshipping, serving and learning to live the life God has given us in the way he calls us to. It’s just the bricks and mortar […]

Alpha: invitation to adventure

Bear Grylls calls his journey of faith “my greatest adventure.” And he’s right: following Jesus is the greatest adventure anyone could go on, taking you deeper into yourself, opening your mind wider than you could imagine, enlarging your heart further than you thought it could stretch, and taking you to places you never thought you’d […]