Posts by Anita Dobson

6170 of 172 items

One Church One Day Reflections – August 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, How wonderful it was to unite in prayer again this month, at least 39 of us praying ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.’ Wonderful to be led in prayer at Prayer & Praise by Gary for our mission partners Ben and Katy, and to be led in prayer […]

South Tower Update

Many of you will have noticed the scaffolding going up around the South Tower in the last month. After the ‘Quinquennial inspection’, 5 yearly building inspection. The church was instructed to have a structural engineers report, which revealed the problem with the South Tower. This report uncovered that some masonry had become loose and needed […]

Summer Reading Ideas

A friend sent me these ideas for summer reading. Why not enjoy a good book which will also enrich your faith. Enjoy!  

The Unyielding Beacon of Hope

The Unyielding Beacon of Hope in a World of Chaos and Destruction Hope in the Face of Adversity: The Bible is replete with accounts of individuals who clung to hope in the midst of overwhelming challenges. From the faith of Abraham, who hoped against hope for the fulfilment of God’s promises, to the endurance of […]

500 words for Lent

Remember our “Bread for Today” reflections during lockdown, where many members of the congregation shared a thought for the day? We would like to do something a little bit similar through Lent, and we would love you to take part! What Bible verse or passage inspires you in your daily life? What have you learnt […]

Getting There: reflections on moving forward

Mark Tanner, our new volunteer Debt Coach, Quiz master and writer, shares some thoughts on preparing for pursuing new goals in our lives. There’s an interesting question that I’ve been asked many times in my coaching career, which centres around achieving a goal. Whether that be losing weight, giving something up for Lent or adding […]

When AI talks like a human

LICC’s weekly articles on Connecting with Culture and Word for the Week take a fresh approach to Scripture and the world, and are always worth reading. But this week’s article “When AI talks like a human” really made me sit up in my seat. The role of artificial intelligence in our lives is often debated: […]

Tackling a difficult passage

This week’s sermon focused on a tricky passage: one of those sections in the Epistles which seems to command women to behave in a way that sits uncomfortably with our culture today. Here is a guide to help us wrestle with these kind of passages. How to tackle a controversial passage: PRAY! Ask the Holy […]

Volunteer Debt Coach opportunities

As you can imagine, there are many people in our community who are finding their finances more and more of a struggle, and who have got into debt. Rosie Brydon, our CAP Centre manager, is looking for others who could be trained to accompany people to get out from underneath the crippling burden of debt. […]

Sarah’s baptism

Yesterday we saw a very happy event: the baptism of Sarah Heath. Surrounded by friends and family, Sarah explained how she had contact with Christ Church for some years before deciding that God was real, that he cared for her and wanted her to follow him. Read Sarah’s story beow: Sarah’s story I started coming […]